Moan, rant, grumble...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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... blah blah blah

Fed. up.

Think I have unrealistic expectations about this TTC lark. My mother tells me yesterday she just "fell" with us, she *relaxed* and thought "it'll take me a couple of years..." and BAM! First cycle with me, and POW! Second cycle with my bro... Why can't I be this relaxed? Have just dipped in and out of the forum since Thurs as wanted to be breezy but I can't be breezy! What is wrong with me?

OH thinks that telling me to "just let nature take its course" is helpful and what I want to hear, but IT'S NOT! He then tells me I should have carried on with the OV tests as "if they didn't work, why would they sell them?" Thanks for that, your support is invaluable, only problem is now I'm prob a week too late (numpty).:mad:

Might just go and sit in the bathroom and cry, which is a sure sign the :censored: witch is on her way!

I think the difference between our generation and our parents is the fact that fertility and blame are everywhere all over the media. My parents were together 13 years before they had me and they never had people going on that they would miss the chance and if they left it to long and so on and so forth

The pressure in the media is immense

Added to that that we're used to getting things without waiting (everything on credit, mobiles that mean you don't have to wait for people to get home to call them, the internet, all that) - it's a wonderful world to live in and we're so lucky to be here, but our bodies haven't caught up with us!

The waiting's horrible, but we WILL get there

Plus no-one remembers what it was like really...I *know* I struggled waiting for OH to be in the same place as me and want to get married, but I really can't remember what it felt like as it was so long ago - our parents were trying for us decades ago - time changes what we feel about experiences
You know what Hun, me and Hubby are just saying we think OV came as I let my hair down last night so I think to some extent there is truth in the 'chilling out' thing.

And as much as you try and crack the TTC code you can't, so really if you're honest with yourself you might as well go with the flow (Obviously easier said than done!).

Hope the witch doesn't get you.

it will happen when you least expect it hunny it did to me :)

I felt the same my sister had been pregnant over 8 times but lost a few :(

I'd never gotten pregnant once in my whole four years of not being on the pill and not using anything with several partners.

I went for tests and once my mind was off waiting for AF to arrive and the tests then I relaxed and I choose to have a good time on my birthday smoking (weed) and drinking rather too much.

My partner and me reckon the weed might have helped me conceive but there is no medical evidence lol.... But I just amazed myself as my birthday wish came true.

Also that month my partner was doing a sperm sample so we didn't really have sex much before I ovulated I'm guessing I had irregular periods thanks to PCOS and never used them stick thingys....

But don't give up hope hunny x
it will happen when you least expect it hunny it did to me :)

I felt the same my sister had been pregnant over 8 times but lost a few :(

I'd never gotten pregnant once in my whole four years of not being on the pill and not using anything with several partners.

I went for tests and once my mind was off waiting for AF to arrive and the tests then I relaxed and I choose to have a good time on my birthday smoking (weed) and drinking rather too much.

My partner and me reckon the weed might have helped me conceive but there is no medical evidence lol.... But I just amazed myself as my birthday wish came true.

Also that month my partner was doing a sperm sample so we didn't really have sex much before I ovulated I'm guessing I had irregular periods thanks to PCOS and never used them stick thingys....

But don't give up hope hunny x

<goes fo find a stash of weed> lol ;)

awwwww i hope you feel better now hun its never good feeling down is it
these long dark days really dont help do they!!!
FX though hun x x x
Hope you feel better Jenny. I know it's really hard to relax. My Mum has said the same. In fact most people tend to say they fell really quickly and when they started trying they didn't really think about falling so quickly so it took them by surprise! Grrrr. Hope you get your BFP soon (and the rest of us! :) )xxxx
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it is def a shock to the system cos while you are growing up you just assume that as soon as you have unprotected sex, you will get's not that easy is it...

I also think because we all want it so much, it's an even bigger shock that it may not happen for a few months :(

I just think of it that fate will decide for me when baby is to arrive and that it will come when the time is right.....i think that time is who am i to argue!!!

It's only once you are trying that freinds admit how long it took them and how long they have been trying's a wake up call isn't it.....will still be telling my daughter if i have one that if you sleep with a boy, just once, they you WILL get pregnant ! :)

It really is so much harder than I ever imagined and so emotionally draining.
I know I need to relax, I will just have to try harder and just go with the flow... x
It really is so much harder than I ever imagined and so emotionally draining.
I know I need to relax, I will just have to try harder and just go with the flow... x

how old are you petal? xx
24, but it's not an age thing it's an impatient thing...

yeah i know and you probably don't wanna hear this and i'm not saying it to sound patronising in any way...but you're young enough to have plenty of time and a good age for ttc........xx
Oh hun it used to do my head in people telling me to let nature take its course and to stop with the ovulation tests!!! Felt like screaming THEY ARE HELPING ME TO MAKE SURE I HAVE SEX ON THE RIGHT DAY FOR CHRIST SAKE! oh i hated it! People saying your trying too hard...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck off. lol! Really hope it happens soon for you hun xxx
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Oh hun it used to do my head in people telling me to let nature take its course and to stop with the ovulation tests!!! Felt like screaming THEY ARE HELPING ME TO MAKE SURE I HAVE SEX ON THE RIGHT DAY FOR CHRIST SAKE! oh i hated it! People saying your trying too hard...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck off. lol! Really hope it happens soon for you hun xxx

Lol! Thanks Shauna!

And thanks Samsgirl, I know age is on my side but I just want it NOW!
Oh hun it used to do my head in people telling me to let nature take its course and to stop with the ovulation tests!!! Felt like screaming THEY ARE HELPING ME TO MAKE SURE I HAVE SEX ON THE RIGHT DAY FOR CHRIST SAKE! oh i hated it! People saying your trying too hard...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck off. lol! Really hope it happens soon for you hun xxx

Lol! Thanks Shauna!

And thanks Samsgirl, I know age is on my side but I just want it NOW!

i know....i'm sorry if i caused any offense...i didn't mean to.....i'm 34 and can hear my clock ticking in my ears! he he xxxx got my fingers crossed for both of us :lol:

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