Anniversary of my mum's death...


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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My mum died at 2.15am on March 16th 2001.

This morning I woke up as usual to go for my nightly wee... at 2.15am :shock: - weird because it's normally more like 4 or 5. Anyway I got back and cried and cried, my poor OH. I think it's worse this year because I am so much more hormonal. I know I'm being completely irrational but the lack of sleep at the moment and the hormones seem to make everything worse than it would normally be.

I got up and thought about coming on here but I would have posted an essay and ranted and I've done enough of that :rotfl:

So I ate some Coco Pops YUM! and had a drink and went back to bed - managed to get off to sleep reasonably OK afterwards and slept through more or less til 10.30 this morning :cheer:

Actually I'm not quite sure why I'm posting this. What an attention seeker I am! :oops: :shhh:

EDIT: Here is a photo of de mumeeeee about 6 months before she died:

awww hunI know how you feel, and I was defo more emotional the year I was pregnant when it came to the anniversary of my mum's death

:hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry. There can't be anything worse than losing your Mum.
:hug: :hug: Lucy x
big hugs Bex darlin :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

your Mum looks really hapy in her pic :) Im sure she is smiling just the same looking over you and Connie xxxx
You are not irrational at all. Losing your mother must have been terrible. I think it must be more difficult this year because you are becoming a mother and would want to share that experience with her.
Don't feel bad, you are allowed to be upset. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw thanks everyone.

I know what would make me feel better... news of Tameron's arrival :cheer:

Come on Tegala!!!!
Aww hun :hug: I know how you feel, last week was the annivesary of my mam's death too. Think the year before as I was pregnant was even worse because of the baby.

I know no words can help so just have these :hug: :hug: :hug:
just having a sneeky peek in 3rd tri as I will be here soon.

I lost my dad in 2002 and I have times when I just cry and cry!!!

He died on June 22nd, my little one is due 28th- I will be :shock: if he/she comes on the 22nd!!!

Lots of love and :hug:

don't feel bad about posting how you feel on here, its best to talk!!! :hug:
Ah hunny
Dont feel like you can not post this on hear
were all hear for you and hears some big :hug: :hug: :hug:
from my not be the same but its the anniversery of my grandad Colliers death tommorow so i know i little of what your going through though nothing can match losing your Mum
she looks like a beautiful bubbly women :hug:
thinking you hun
if you need soemone to chat to im hear

lol sarah :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rebecca, don't try to put a brave face on it hun. My mum and I still get upset after losing her mum, my nan, that was 23 years ago. I still sometimes cry thinking about my grandad who died when I was 7, I was very close to him.

It just shows that you are a normal and loving human being. To not get upset would in my books be abnormal.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: from me, i can relate to just how you feel. I lost my mum to breast cancer on 8th Jan 2006. Been thinking of her alot lately and all the mad advice she would be giving me now! I just try to think of things that make me smile about her to keep me strong. I'm sure our mums will be beside us all the way as we bring our babies into the world :hug:

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