Angry Rant


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I want to have a rant sorry people but here goes

I'm fed up with people accusing me of over eating or carrying a huge baby as I have quite a large bump but its all at the front and no where else.

The ultimate insultment came yesturday at my Nephews christening when one of the god parents is only 3 weeks behind me and my sister in law said 'She doesn't even have a bump but your massive your eating too much'

I hardly eat anything what do they want me to do stop eating all together. :mad:

Should I not have a baby bump at 22 weeks :mad:

Am I meant to be skinny :mad:

I wish people would shut up and leave me alone

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That's incredibly rude hun. I know it's hard, but try to ignore them. I've had people tell me I'm big (I get called all sorts of names at work and jokes made about food :roll:) and small. Both I find equally annoying. People should only make nice comments on bumps imo.

As long as you're ok and baby is happy and healthy, that's all that matters. Sod the rest ;) :hug:

Oh hun, don't let them get to you. I know it's easier said then done. I have people poke my bump and say "alright fatty". Some people just don't have any consideration for peoples feelings. Every pregnancy bump is different and so long as your midwife isnt concerned then thats all that matters! Must admit, when I see people with bigger bumps then me i actually feel quite jealous!xx
Omg that's a horrible thing for her to say. The girls are right hun every bump is different. I deleted a girl off facebook last week cos every bump pic I put up she commented on saying I'm huge, gonna have a massive baby, and asking if its all bump!!! Also with every symptom I had she said it wasnt normal and that something must be wrong. People like that aren't worth bothering with hun. Xx
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Hye honey, People are all different shapes and sizes and that applies for baby bumps some people are soooo rude you should have drowned her in the christening font! :) JUst ignore people hunnie easier said than done but dont let them get you down!! XXX
I am right with you on this one. I am getting really fed up of being told how big I am and that baby must be pushing my fat out and I should not eat for two.

The best one I have had is that I am carrying the baby in my arse as I am spreading out. Charming!!!

Also getting fed up with people telling my I am going to be massive and rubbing my belly like it is a free for all.

OMG how rude. I looked like a elephant in my pregancy and had quite a bump at 22 weeks. I had low blood pressure and felt dizzy a lot so did not move much but no-one took that into account when commenting on my size. Sod them or look them in the eye and say how insulted you are by their comment. They will not do it again!
Whenever I get called fat or someone comments on how big I am, I always reply by looking them up and down and saying "ye, well atleast I have an excuse..."

Usually shuts them up lol xx

How rude! There's a big difference in 1 person's 19 week bump and another's 22 week bump. How would it make the other person feel if you accused them of UNDEReating? You'd never dream of doing it would you.
I know just how u feel. I've been getting it since about 20 weeks and getting worse now. See the next person who says oh could b twins I will slap them. One woman in work today said ur certainly filling out now. And not just the bump.... I mean that was bloody horrid I am actually so upset with it. I feel like I'm just a bloody thing to laugh at ATM. Bloody ppl shud just leave people alone. If they can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Jess, I was all baby and I was pretty big by 19 weeks, as that was when my dad had his funny turn and I remember wearing a dress and it just skimming my bottom! Lol. Ignore them all, you can't compare bumps as every baby grows at a different pace. Emma xx
I hope you mentally gave her a slap lol. Be proud of your bump hun, let them think what they want. Would it matter if you were eating to much? You have a little person growing inside that bump, and baby wouldn't want mummy upset x
It is rude when people comment. I have a little bump but my mother in law keeps saying I'm not very big and am I eating well, then last night she said her mother didn't show till 30 weeks 'what the fuck!!' Fortunatley most people in my life are more polite. I am very jealous of a friend of mine that is 3 weeks ahead of me and has a much bigger bump so this other girl was probably jealous of your lovely bump.
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