And we have the answer.....

Aug 17, 2007
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I haven't posted for a while and was mainly reading the TTC forum.

My Husband and I now discover there is a problem...

We have been ttc for nearly 2 years.

He had a sperm test (well 2 now) and the results was not great, I am fine however... so far.

He has a problem with numbers and quality. I am feeling very disheartened as the doctor was not positive with the news at all.

Can someone help me who has maybe been through this?

How long are NHS waiting lists for any kind of treatment? and can anyone shed any light on the potential costs of private treatment?

Thank you in advance.

I'm sorry about your news.
I just wanted you to know that I read and I'm thinking of you :hug:

Love Polly xxx

My Dh has a low sperm count, so i'll try to help with any questions you may have. We found out a year ago, and have been TTC for almost 2.5 years now. What were his results? A lot of doctors can be very negative, but lots of women have got pregnant with a partner who has a low count. Our consultant told us it wasn't impossible but would probably take a lot longer than usual. However i dont ovulate regularly, so our chances are extremely limited, but if you are ok then as long as there is sperm there is always a chance. Even if you have treatment, there is no reason why you wouldn't get pregnant in the meantime.

I cant help with waiting lists for the NHS as this varies depending on area and PCT. Ours was initially 3-4 months when we were referred, then they ran out of money. We have only just had our 1st appointment last week so it took about 8 months in total. We decided to go to a private clinic while waiting, and have done 2 cycles of IVF/ICSI. I am now just about to start my NHS treatment.

The price of private clinics varies as well. We paid £150 for a consultation. IVF with ICSI costs around £3000 and my drugs were £340 (i am on the lowest dose) You can then have extras on top of that, so i would allow around £4000.

I'm sorry i haven't been able to answer your specific questions but if you have anything else you need any help with, just ask. I know what i shock it is to find out you have male infertility. I always thought i was the problem, so i really wasn't expecting to find out it was my husband.

Good luck, and if you need to talk either post on here or PM me.

Michelle x
Hi Honeycomb_girl!

I know exactly how you feel hunni, and I sympathise with what you and your DH are going through at the moment, as I've been through it myself - we have been TTC nearly 2 years now, and found out last year that DH has low morphology. You will get over the heartache of this bad news very soon and start to look to the future, and be more positive - trust me!

Like you - when DHs GP told him the results of his test he was pretty cold and non sympathetic about it and basically told him there was nothing that could be done. THIS IS UNTRUE!! DHs GP was quite ignorant with fertility issues, fortunately my own GP specialised in fertility and was able to put our minds at rest and point us in the right direction. If you have been referred already or are thinking of going private - you will find all this out at your first appointment (although I am sure you will have already surfed the net and know everything there is to know!)

As Michelle has said, NHS waiting lists and Private treatment costs all depend on where you live. I live in Glasgow and am currently on the waiting list for IVF which is 21 months! Private treatment for us is £6,000. It also depends on what treatment you get - IUI is a lot cheaper and the waiting list for that here is much shorter.

Lots of luck and love to you sweetie :hug:
Thank you so much for your answers, you have been very helpful.

We are still waiting for the full report to be posted but in simple terms.

Breaking DH sperm down...

He only has just under half actually living, the rest are dead.
Half of the live half are not swimming correctly.... so that leaves about 1/4 normal.

Obviously first I had tests and so far everything is ok there, I still have to have a scan where they inject dye to check my tubes are okay.

DH is being referred to specialist, all via the NHS currently. The waits so far have been so long.

I think we will be able to go private for some of it, but these are unexpected costs you know? We never thought this would happen, We were so laid back about it at first, the whole 'we'll just try and see what happens' now look at us lol.

The GP said he estimates around a 5% chance of natural conception.

I guess we'll keep trying... wait for the specialist appointment.

Everyone around me is giving birth! it's very upsetting as I am sure you all know.

Thank you again, it's been such a help and comfort to know I am not alone.

xx :moon:
My OH had two sperm tests during the 11 months that we were trying and both said that he had low motility but an ok count.

About two months before our BFP we changed our diets to completely organic and OH started drinking ginseng tea and taking bee pollen. He also took supplements designed to help improve sperm such as Fertil Aid. I can't say that it definitely was the reason that we conceived but my OH felt better as it made him feel like he was doing something pro-activ towards trying to have a baby.

Wishing you the best of luck :hug:
I didnt want to read and run, and I really hope that you dont have to wait to long for treatment :hug: :hug:

Wishing you all the best xx

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