anaemic - i am!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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According to the letter i got from the hospital - they took bloods the other day. I'm not suprised, i've been anaemic practically all my life! I was more suprised when last time they took bloods my iron levels were ok! lol.

The letter told me to make an appointment to get a prescription for iron tablets. I already have some though, can i just take those???
How long have you had them? Might be best to check with the surgery. Eat loads of spinach!!! Hope you feel better soon :hug:
The ones you can buy from shops contain Vit A (well most do) plus they are not strong enough.
I asked this when my MW told me I was borderline anaemic and with wanting a homebirth she said to get some from my GP - she looked at the iron tablets we have for DH and said they are unsuitable.

The ones from GP are about twice the strength I think and just plain ferrous sulphate
I am anaemic too but just taking SpaTone (a natural mineral water type supplement you put in drinks - it's much more easily absorbed than tablets).

It's dead easy to take and has really made a difference to me.

Good luck :hug:
ooh i'll ask about that as it sounds a lot better to me!
I gues si'd better go see the doc and get him to prescribe me something, may leave it a few days as im waiting on pee results so i dont want to have to go twice. lol
my levels are low and the doctor put me on them ferrous sulphate tablets, they take a few weeks to get into your system properly, but they are a stronger tablet.
i am taking flurodix but it is 3 tablets a day and I keep forgetting, the iron tablets from the docs upset my tummy
YOu have to love the side effects of iron tablets! I too am anemic and learning to live the with side effects. Feeling a lot more awake though!
I am too!! Got my blood results back on Sunday morning, and now on tablets 3 times a day!!

Just wondered what sex baby everyone is carrying, Ive heard low iron levels are associated with girls?!
i'm having a girl too!

but my iron levels have always been low. I just don't eat enough iron!
Hope the Iron tablets work for you hunny
did the doctors give you a list of foods to eat to help with iron intake?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sarah :wave:
:oops: haven't been to the docs yet, i'm waiting on my urine results, and if i have an infection i'd have to see doc and i really don't want to have to go twice. I'm sure that place makes me ill!!!

I know what foods have iron in, trouble is i'm rather fussy! I like yoghurt and chocolate, they are both iron-y. Lol.
I'm having a girl too, maybe you're onto something Em? :shock:
P.S. In answer to BabyBee's question, foods that contain lots of iron are:

* fortified cereal (perhaps you could go for Coco Pops given your chocolate addiction?!)
* green leafy vegetables (brocolli and spinach etc)
* red meat

Probably some others that I've forgotten. I always feel better after I've eaten a big steak YUM!
Cocopops have iron in them? WOW! ( i haven't actually ever tried cocopops but chocolate and cereal together sound good)

Out of interest do cornflakes have iron in them? I like to mix them and choc :p

Spinach is only bearable if well hidden in food. And i really don't like broccoli but i will try to eat more of them!

Red meat is a no-no really. I was a veggie for 6 years and i still don't really eat red meat.

Probably explains the anaemia really! Lol.
I'll try very hard for baby's sake to eat better!

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