an unforeseen situation i was not sufficiently equipped for!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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grr dont kno whats going on with my body at all :roll:

firstly, i stopped BFing, went on the combined pill, and had no periods on the designated pill-free breaks :roll:

then i was late starting a pack so took a M.A.P. and had a bit of spotting during the middle of a pill pack which annoyed me so i had no break after that pack to make up for it.

now im in the middle of a pill pack so why am i having a full-on proper period which i didnt have enough stuff in for (lol had to nip out to asda, this is my first period since 2006 and i honestly forgot what brands i liked! i was stood for ages like this :oops: tryna remember which towels are comfy! i can remember the tampons which by the way i can still hold in the purple virgin ones :cheer: but not the towels for night-time!) :wall:

'twas a waste of a lunch hour and a fiver that stupid pregnancy test on tues that i had to piss on twice :roll:

my boyf kindly commented "you're all wired up wrong" :eek: :shock: :lol: "that baby fucked u up on the way out" :roll:

bit worried now tho whats going on is it normal to be all cocked up still nearly 14 months after giving birth? altho only 6 months since BFing :?

or is it my own stupid fault for messing up with the pill again (you would think id learned my lesson :doh: :roll: )

grr. anyway stocked up now, trying out these new towels with silk in them apparently! they better feel nice :evil:
hiya trix, im still not right a year on.

i lost a lot of weight though and have become aneamic so i think that plays a part. you mentioned youve lost weight recently, that could be it combined with the pill thing.

you need to eat healthly and get your pills on track, give your body chance to recover and get into its routine. :hug:
My periods still aren't regular :?
I'm not taking the pill or anything though and still breastfeeding so that might be why.

I'd wait and see what happens after the next packet and if your still having problems see your GP about changing to a different pill :hug:
There's special tampons for virgins? hahaha.

I haven't even had a hint of a period yet, still haven't stopped bf mind you. I'm not complaining :lol:
no periods ! not fair ive already had 5 and lelands only 6 months :roll:

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