An Extra Scoop of Formula?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Some of my friends have told me to put an extra scoop of formula in my babies bed time feed so that she will sleep longer and ultimatly through the night, she is 7 weeks old is this advisable?

S x
I honestly wouldnt do that. By all means giver her a bigger bottle but dont mess around with the scoop to water ratio.

At 7 weeks she should still be waking for a feed if she is hungry, she will settle down soon and giving an extra scoop might give her a sore tummy and that will keep her up.
lauramumof2 said:
I honestly wouldnt do that. By all means giver her a bigger bottle but dont mess around with the scoop to water ratio.

At 7 weeks she should still be waking for a feed if she is hungry, she will settle down soon and giving an extra scoop might give her a sore tummy and that will keep her up.

Totally agree, a 7 week old baby is going to wake up in the night for food, that what babies do, sleeping through isn't worth giving her a poorly tummy over. :)
I honestly think you arent meant to do that, it can make them quite ill. Do you remember the Nestle baby food saga?

I'd tell you friends to stop telling people that too!
It says on the back of the formula tin not to add extra formula or water to make the feed stronger or weaker. I personally would follow that advice. If you want to add another scoop of formula then add another oz of water aswell.
i would definately agree not to do this as it can harm your baby
agreed.. sorry.. but extra scoop can dehydrate baby.. not worth it..

bottle fed babys get more calories anyways... dont try giving him/her baby rice yet.. or rusk.. or any other things that friends or older generation say might help.. the guidelines are there for a reason.. yes give or take a week or so for introducing foods.. but not at 7 weeks.. babies are supposed to wake for feeds at night.. their bodys need little and often. the only thing i can suggest is giving an extra oz at bed time... if baby wont take it he/she is to full.. but you can try..
oooo no... its really bad for their kidneys... it effects the electrolytes and their kidneys struggle to process the liquids. If baby is hungry, just give a bigger bottle.

I weaned Tia young because she was a big hungry baby (around 11 weeks), but 7 weeks is much too early tbh. (mind you this whole 6 month weaning thing didn't exist 8 years ago... 3/4 months was the weaning age)

Its normal for some babies to wake in the night for feeds... even when Tia was weaned she still woke in the night for feeds.. right up to a year old.. when I was told to just give her water in the night.
no way :shock:

"Using too much powder or adding an “extra” scoop
will lead to weight gain, fat deposition and
obesity in the infant."
It can give a really poorly tummy, cause constipation to diahorrea, and even bad sickness.

Its not worth it, try an extra feed befroe you got to bed but dont expect the babyto sleep through at 7 weeks, my daughter is 4 months and is still sometimes up twice a night.

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