sudden appetite increase


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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over the last 24 hours millie's appetite seems 2 hav shot up!
whenever i'v given her formula she normally takes between 70 and 100mls, so i make 4-scoop feeds for her which is about 125mls and even then she usually leaves a bit. but last nite she polished off a bottle at bedtime (wouldve probably had a bit more if there'd been any) then at our bedtime my boyf gave her another 125mls then a few hours later she finished another one then a few hours later she had my left breast then an hour later my right one!
then at breakfast she polished off all her porridge (she normally leaves some) and was rooting for a bit more, then at lunchtime she had 2 ice-cube-fulls of my mum's home-made soup followed by a fruity custard pot, then FIVE organix carrot sticks, then an hour later she had a breast-feed!
she's sleeping it off now :lol:
this is ok, isnt it?
i would say she is having a growth spurt too, nothing to worry about the way i see it is she will take what she needs so if you make more then normal and she takes it all that is ok and if she doesent then she is prob not hungery (if that makes sense)

the only other thing possibly is have you thought about giving her more in her bottles so instead of 4 ozs maybe 5 instead.
when willow was 6 onths she was on 3 7 oz bottles. and 3 meals a day
Definitely a growth spurt! let her eat to her hearts content!
Yup.... the other ladies are right... sounds like a growth spurt... be prepared for all Millies clothes to fit today and tomorrow be too small... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: and guess what... this is a sign of the times to come... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Let her eat as much as she wants, because in a few days/weeks time, she'll all of a sudden not want to eat anything because she's done the growing bit... and then you'll get worried she's not eating enough... but its all perfectly normal. :)
Maia did this just before Xmas!

She had started sleeping through but woke up demanding milk at 4am for 6 or 7 nights.

Now she back on form so yes, must be a growth spurt. Are you giving Melissa protein and carbs yet?
she has carbs, yes. fruit is carbs and she loves that, porridge, baby rice, and toast as finger food and those little baby organix (thanks redshoes!) sticks.
protein, im working on that- i dont eat meat myself but iv tried her on jars with chicken in and stuff but she pulls a tequila face and spits it out :(
ill keep trying tho

thanx for the support everyone

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