amnio stress :-(


Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
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hello ladies,
today, after a couple of really heartbreaking weeks trying to come to a decision as to whether to have an amnio or not after screening tests considered me high risk. (heart telling me- no, head telling me- must find out to prepare self)
i went in for the amnio.

just before the procedure i felt like i didn't want to go through with it, but the doctor seemed confident that baby was in a great position etc.
i am fully aware that everyone has a different pain threshold. but this procedure, for whatever reason really hurt me. they could not extract fluid, so had to really prod and probe around. after what seemed like an eternity- and no longer being able to be comforted or distracted by looking at baby on screen, they decided to stop the procedure as i was in pain and really distressed.

i have been through labour with no pain relief (no gas/air either), so i wouldnt consider myself a wimp.
i was sooo concerned about having an amnio in the first place due to the risks involved. but now i feel more crap than ever, because i have been through it all, for nothing.

im booked in for another amnio next week. however, i think it's worse now- as i know what i'm preparing myself for, and im scared im putting myself at more risk, if it was to fail again i'm not sure what i would do.

has anyone else had any experience of this happening?
i've tried researching risks of having a second amnio- but as i gather it's quite rare for it to fail.. so i'm not coming up with anything.
Sorry, I can't be much help as fortunately didn't have to go through this; but it sounds pretty awful hun and I hope you're feeling a bit better soon!

Only experience I can share is that one of my friends came back with high risk of downs after her nuchal scan etc and went for the amnio; she said it wasn't pleasant but she's glad she had it done and got confirmation that her little boy had downs. Made no difference whatsoever, it just meant she could prepare for the potential challenges.

Probably no help whatsoever, but didn't want to read and run!
thank you for your reply kbrady.
it was a really hard decision to come to in the first place, for sure. i just wish it had worked, then at least there would be some outcome. right now i'm sore, and facing having to do it all over :-(
my reasoning is similar to your friends, in that i want to be prepared as much as possible.
thanks again :) x
Hey hun I could just give you a giant massive hug right now.

After a lot of soul searching I had an amnio and I too found it excruciating. (I fainted into the arms of the nurse afterwards).

In hindsight (what a wonderful thing) I wouldn't have it done again but that is easy for me to say as my boy is absolutely fine.

When I next get pregnant I won't be having the blood tests therefore I'll not even know the risk factor. I've decided I'll take whatever life throws at me.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing now until next amnio is for you to have complete bed rest. Not being dramatic here but please get your feet up, get waited on and take it as easy as possible. Then next week after the amnio you really need to do this again. Get lots of DVDs (I borrowed from friends), books, magazines and chocolate!

Sending you lots of love xxxxx
thank you rayoflight, i could say i wouldn't have it done again too!-- but without getting it done again, i feel the first attempt was wasted, and putting baby at risk for nothing, it makes me feel so guilty.
i agree, the worry factor is immense when the screening results come back. something that comes as a huge shock. i guess i was naive to think everything would be the same as last pregnancy.
it makes you appreciate when things go right. i feel so blessed to have my little girl, to have gone through a problem-free pregnancy and easy labour.
i wish all you ladies out there the very best xx
Hey chick, sorry you have had to go through this; I understand it isn't a nice experience and can be painful. Because your classed as high risk it does not mean it is so; I would try again chick, but if you cannot do it then leave it, but I feel you will be glad you did once it is over. I am sure the doctors are aware how painful and stressful this can be for mothers and am sure they try to make things as easy as possible under the circumstances...

Good luck sweet x
I got my blood test done 2 weeks ago and I'm waiting on results but now I have already decided not to go ahead with the amnio if offered. The only reason would be to prepare myself but should the baby be born with Downes then so be it! I now wish I did not get bloods done cos I really dont think I could go ahead with amnio.
hello all, just wanted to let you know that i went in for my second amnio this morning, and it went just fine!
was completely different experience this time. phew!
slight discomfort when needle pierced uterus, but totally manageable.
they were really happy with the "beautiful" sample of fluid taken.
i'm SO relieved. almost forgot why i had the amnio done in the first place! fingers crossed all is okay, and hopefully hear the results soon.
Oh Lenny, what a stressful time for you!

I had the CVS done at 13 weeks and it was such a hard decision to make. We'd had a 'perfect' scan at 12 weeks and so announced the pregnancy to all our friends and family. Two days later we got a call saying I was high risk. We opted for CVS as we couldn't wait until the 15 or 16 week mark.
It was rather uncomfortable, but I just focussed on something else in the room, curled up my toes and kept as still as possible.
Hope you're feeling ok now...get your feet up and get your fella to spoil you rotten!

Good luck xxxx
Forgot to say, that we got the results 24hrs later and all was perfect! :love:
that is great news lucialeek. i was the same as you- had a great scan at 12 weeks, and was told all was well. only to receive a call a couple of weeks later. i had assumed all was fine, had finally told my daughter too. it was a huge shock!
i wasn't able to have the cvs- because the person at the hopsital who did those was having hand surgery that week, so was advised to have tha amnio at 15weeks.
so glad you got your results back quickly and more importantly that all was perfect for you.
are you team yellow?? xxx
just wanted to update this again **

today i heard the amazing news that my results came back great. all is well, AND...
i'm on team blue!!! i'm carrying a wee little man this time. how exciting!?!

there have been complications with having had the amnio. my waters have broken and i am leaking fluid. i am on antibiotics, and on bed rest. im unfortunately higher risk miscarriage.
please everybody keep your fingers and toes crossed that all is okay amd that my little man hangs in there until it's the right time.

just read your thread and just wanted to give you a big hug, i wish u all the best and have everything crossed for you and baby xxx
Hope your little man is hanging on tight and everything is ok soon. x
Hope everything works out okay for you....I am so sorry your waters have leaked after all you have been really must rest up totally now xx
Oh Lenny - I've only just seen your update! I hope everything is ok with the baby. What happens to the sac once it has pierced? Does it renew itself? What a bloody stressful time for you!

Fingers crossed that all is well for you both!

Let us know how you get on!

L xxx
Hope you're ok Lenny, thinking about you hun. Please rest and take it easy x
just to let you all know,
had my wekly ultrasound this morning.. and my little guy is still surrounded in plenty of fluid.. the doctors were really suprised with this. we're really very relieved.
im still having to take it easy (still leaking) and have bloods and swabs to monitor infection.. but as the time goes on hopefully it gives us a better chance. i'm hoping the hole reseals, but as long as the loss of fluid is minimal and i can keep going then i will be so grateful.
please keep me and my little guy in your thoughts. trying to keep positive.

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