Amber necklaces (Helen123 can you help?)


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Hiya girls does anyone have an Amber teething necklace for their LO? Helen? I'm sure i've seen a pic of Seb with one on?

Anyways, any good? If so, where did you get yours from and do you let baby sleep in it?
I have one for Oscar and he has worn it 24/7 with no probs. I honestly don't know for certain whether it works. His gums are bulging and lumpy and he screams all the time. I took his necklace off yesterday so one of the girls could wear it and have had an awful night with him. Could be coincidence but I think they work. I wear some for my migraines just in case xx
Oh btw dino daisy on fb have a wonderful selection x
Yeah dino daisy were the ones I was looking at. Do you put yours round his neck or ankle?
I got Evelyn's off ebay for about £5. I don't have another baby to compare teething to but it seems to help. I don't like pumping her full of painkillers so anything to help is a bonus in my eyes x
I put it round his neck. Ian really takes the piss. He thinks I'm mad lol
Not Seb I'm afraid :( I have heard this but I would definately not let them sleep with it on. You could tuck it under his bed sheet perhaps? So it's near him but he can't get it x
Toby has one... he's wearing it in my avatar photo! He's had it on for about 10 months now I think! I don't know for sure that it helped but before I bought it he would wake up screaming when his teeth were coming through and it took forever to get him back to sleep - as soon as he started wearing it he'd still wake up screaming but I'd give him a bit of milk and he'd be asleep again within 5 minutes, so he was definitely more comfortable (but I don't know for sure that it was because of that and wouldn't have happened anyway) x x
And they are designed to break relatively easily so if there was enough tension to cause them any harm it would break first. Toby has always slept in his x
Someone recommended these to me, think I might get one as he really suffers when he is teething

yea the site says

The Child Safety Clasp

Clasp used for the 11 and 13 Inch models

This clasp was put through several tests and is the safest for babies and children
In the event the necklace gets caught or is under too much tension, the clasp will open, releasing the necklace.
Wear the necklace all the time even bath times only remove when swimming. EXCESSIVE removal may result in the weakening of the safety clasp. If you find it nessecary to remove more than twice a week then please replace more regulary than 3 months to preserve the safety of this necklace.

never heard of these before but may ahve to look into them for when D is older x
I always meant to get one but never did.. Might give it a go as we have some new teeth popping through x
I think Toby looks so sweet in his too :cloud9: Apart from the back molars he's just getting his last tooth now and I don't want to take it off :lol: He'll look so different without it! x
I think I'm going to invest. Shaun will take the piss but I don't care. The skin round his mouth is cracking and sore from all the drool. I need to do something!
He'll love it when he sees him wearing it! I didn't think Mark would like Toby having one but he looks so sweet in it! x
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I lived in ibiza as a baby and spent my days naked apart from a lovely coral necklace. I love all the pics of me as a kid cuz with the necklace I look super cool! I shall convince Shaun that all the cool kids wear them.
after reading this thread i might invest too. lo has been showing signs of teething since he was about 3 months & still no teeth!!! his mouth is chapped from all the drool and he constantly chomps his hands bless. im willing to give anything a try! i do use the nelsons powders which seems to work really well!
after reading this thread i might invest too. lo has been showing signs of teething since he was about 3 months & still no teeth!!! his mouth is chapped from all the drool and he constantly chomps his hands bless. im willing to give anything a try! i do use the nelsons powders which seems to work really well!

You describe Blake to a T there. The skin round his mouth is chapped. It's bloody horrible isn't it?

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