Amazing videos of baby development

I have these ones delivered to my email each week, they are ace :D
ahhh so cute, just watched it with OH. Think it scared him!
Wow they are brilliant thanks for sharing hun:)
I wished I wasn't eating when I watched the epidural though :lol:
oh wow haha i cant wait from 23 weeks to wait and feel if baby has hiccups :D
wow, thats fab! Thanks for sharing Rosies mummy xxxx
No probs! Rosie had hiccups all the time, it was a very strange sensation! If I had seen that epidural video prior to my last labour i dont think I would have even said the word!
I was too scared to watch the epidural bit, I went straight to the babys development! Im really not good with things like that. What a wimp I am! x
I was too first time but I just braved it now. Im NOT having one. The thought of that piece of plastic just hanging out of my spine makes me not want breakfast!!
From that video i don't want an epidural!!
I've had one before for dfferent reasons, was asleep when it was put in so was bad enough being awake when they took it back out.

The development videos are great though, i LOVE watching things like that :)
oooh I never thought of how they take em out! That made me cringe!
Loved the videos, thank you!
Alec had hiccups at least 3 times a day, so funny!

And also I must just be the only one out there, but was such a fan of the epidural last time, am so definately having one this time again. Can't wait! Where they took it out, had a little bump on my back for at least 6 months I reckon.
I want to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the pain! i probably wont have any more children so I want the full experience this time, I missed out with Rosie because of the!
I read that so often! Women wanting to feel the pain. I guess its just me being a wimp, but I really do not enjoy being in pain! Give me an epidural, feet up, telly on, and then when the MW says push, hopefully should be done in a few mins!

Last time it was snowing, and the MW had opened the curtains so I could see it. The pushing part happened so quickly, she didn't get chance to shut them. There was a house with windows that I'm sure could have seen in.......!

Thought the cramps afterwards, when I was breast feeding, and everything was tightening up were bad enough!
Im just scared of all the intervention. If you have the epidural, youhave to have the catheter, then I think people often have a drip too, then you;re strapped to monitors around your bump and blood pressure sleeve on your arm. Before you know it there isnt one part of your body that doesnt have a wire to it! I can just imagine feeling so claustrophobic, like you're anchored down. I wanna be able to stand up, go to the loo etc... I dont really want the pain though!
Thats where Hypnobirthing should come in Tiny - I think we will be able to compare quite a bit if we both decide to use that method. The biggest thing that I hated about the epi was being stuck in one place, I actually felt vulnerable and a bit pathetic :(
You hit the nail on the head there 'vulnerable' thats what im worried about! Couldnt put it into words!!! thanks :)
Know exactly what you mean, the thought of having a epidural scares me more than the birth itself lol!
Those videos were more than amzing, I sat and cried through them epecailly when I could relate to it, keep thinking my baby is doing that and its that size etc. Conception, preganancy and birth are just so amazing, I look back at my eldest two even now and find it hard to believe I carried them for 9 months.

The epidural video made me feel sick, just seeing a foreign object been inserted into a spine was enough for me. I would of hated to of had an epidural, pethidine or any other type of drug relief during my labours. Found me personally I think I would feel too out of control with them but again it is horses for courses.

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