Am I?

Hey guys, i'm new here - decided I needed some help. I'm in a rubbish situation, I am on the pill but by the looks of the tests below I think I might be pregnant. It's a really complicated situation and the guy I have been seeing is not happy and telling me I have no other choice but to have a termination. I honestly don't know what to think or do, I'm 27 I feel like I could potentially do this on my own, I have a good job, my family and friends and I adore children but he's really putting on the pressure.

I haven't had it confirmed by a doctor yet but i've done the tests below. I have really bad cramps and a pinky discharge. Is this even normal, am I worrying over nothing? Any help or advice appreciated :(

hey listen, do what you want its your body and having a termination could stop you conceiving ever again. and its one of the worst things you can ever go through so please don't do it. I have had an abortion and regret every bit of it. Do whats right for you. if you can cope then cope.
it won't be him having his body change and a baby inside or anything we go through he has no say...its as much his fault as yours (not saying its your fault) that your pregnant. do whats right hunni x x x
Was spotting but got a little heavier and freh blood through as the day has gone on, had 4 clots now aswell but they tell me there is nothing they can do, sit tight & they'll scan me next Friday and confirm whether I've miscarried or still pregnant. Not happy in waiting over a week :(

just saw this hun, sorry to hear about the bleeding, i had it might be just baby attaching to your wall, i had lots of clots and bleeding with my son. i hope its nothing and just baby attaching to the wall x x x
Hopefully it's nothing bad.. It's horrible having to wait, but this early they wouldn't be able to see anything anyway hun.. I had scans at 4,5 and 6 weeks and the difference is clear.. Saw nothing but a blip on 4weeks, just a sac at 5 and a sac and heartbeat at 6... Which is probably why they are making you wait...
Being a single mum is such a hard job but so rewarding. My fob said the same get rid I wouldn't. He came round after I had my baby but we don't talk again now as he is bitter I kept him and has told me so he also has never do e anything for me no money nothing and said " I should think my self lucky he's in his life" at that point I cut contact. As long as you know you will be Alone u will be fine. Anything could happen if you were with a partner they could leave ect. This way you know where you are and you will be fine. Having a baby is a big decision but I would never change my son I'm so happy I was strong. It says more about you as a person if you do decide to keep it x

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