Single, getting old and worried!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Where do I begin?!
Without going into my whole life story at the age of 37 I'm pregnant (6 weeks on monday) for the first time.
My husband and I seperated last year and I think I went a bit mad! Wanted to meet a man who wants the same as me: babies and the whole family thing.
Anyway, I did meet a man but he doesn't want the whole family thing, well not right now anyway - I've only known him a couple of months.
So, I'm pregnant and whilst he is caring and says he'll be there for me I know I am on my own really.
He doesn't love me or really even know me!
I'm so happy to be pregnant but so scared about the future. I believe things will come good eventually, but I am concerned about the support I will receive.
My family are wonderful and so supportive but they're 300 miles away. Of course I could go home but I have a life, job and friends here.
My living situation is not ideal atm (I flat share with a colleague) and I'm worrying about that as well as if my baby is ok cos of my age etc.
I have wondeful friends here but I have realised that my dream of love and a family has not come true. Will it ever come true?
I love my baby so much already but think I've been selfish and careless.
I'd love to here from anyone in a similar situation or any words of reassurance.
This is a happy time and I want to enjoy it but can't help but worry.
You cant put all your hopes and dreams in finding a a knight in shining armour. Twice i thought i had find mine and twice i was wrong.

I was with my ex for 5.5yrs and when he found out i was pregnant tried to make me get rid.

Im really scared of ending up lonely and old and that nobody will want to be with a single mum but maybe we will. There are plenty of people do and who still find their happy ever after.... just might take us a bit longer.

And i do believe that whats meant to be will be - just like you little bubba was meant to be.

I have been feeling selfish lately too but i thinks its normal. I have been thinking that i wont be able to go on that holiday or travel around indonesia or go to peru.

But look at the positives - our bubbas were given to us for a reason, they are gifts and not everyone is fortunate to have one. When we hold our babies for the first time when they're born I am sure that all our worries/fears/doubts will disappear and be replaced by unconditional love.

Thanks for your message Kirstie.

A couple of weeks have passed since my last post and do you know what?! I really don't need a man!!

I've been let down by the husband and my babys father and I have come to the realisation that I'm happy and strong on my own.

You're right - our babies are a blessing and a gift from God and nothing is gonna hold me back from being the best mummy ever!:)

I am not old and I am not lonely. I have a wonderful, loving, supportive family and am looking to the future. I am so excited about my baby!

I am going to move back to my home city asap and have my baby there.
My wonderful sis-in-law is goinna be my birthing partner and my baby is so loved already.

When and if the time is right I'm sure I'll be open to meeting a man but at the moment my priority is my baby.

I hope you're doing ok and things are good for you.

TC and hope to chat again soon.

x x
I think you are a very beautiful strong person. Keep your strenght and never ever think your life is not complete without a man. Congrats on your little bean i bet you make a fab mum xxxx
Thank you so much AmyRose. Your kind words brought a tear to my eye! But a happy one.

I just want all single women to realise that some men are not worth your tears and heartache.

It has taken me so much pain and suffering to reach that conclusion but my bean has given me the strength and focus to be happy and look to the future.

I am not gonna waste any more energy on so called 'men' who upset and hurt me cos I'm gonna be a mummy and that brings me overwhelming happiness! Nothing else matters any more. :)

x x

PS: How do you put those cute little pics and icons on your messages? I don't mean the smilies I mean the other pics like when your baby is due etc.
just click on one you like and it will bring you to a page where you add in your details then underneath you will see a url just copy and paste it to your signature. best of luck hun xxxxxxxx
I was 38 when I had my baby, I'm sure you'll be fine :) I ended up being a single mother but have tried on and off to make things work with my husband, but at the end of the day you will cope because you've got to whether he's there for you or not. Try not to worry about things, you've got A LOT to look forward to, believe me ((hugs)) xxx
Your an amazingly strong person, I want to wish you and your baby so much luck and love in your lives xxx
You're right, you don't need a man - you're clearly a clever, kind and loving person who will give your baby all the love he or she needs. It's not selfish or reckless - there are single parents here there and everywhere and they do just as good a job as couples do! There's no reason you won't meet someone worthy in the future either, I don't believe having a baby makes it either more or less likely to happen. You enjoy your baby x
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