Am i the only one?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2012
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Well the first af since my mc last month .... Omg was nearly as bad between the pain the flow and the hormones... What doesnt help is the amount of bfps aroundme at the moment and im trying to be soo happy for them .... But am wen am with my partnet i cnt help feeling so sad and down that its so unfair ... Ino it seems like am a selfish bitch .... Am i the only one feeling this way? I hope not ..... If you have been any advice on how not to take it so bad? X
Hi cers123 - I am so sorry to hear about your mc. I had a recent mc in July so I totally get how you're feeling, it sucks doesn't it? I'm not sure what to advise to make it easier to cope with people around you being pregnant, I find I have good days and bad days but still try to smile and be happy for people. The hardest part for me is my best friend fell pregnant 2 months before me and we were so excited, planning our pregnancies together. It hurts me so much every time I meet up with her but I refuse to let it put a dampener on her exciting event. Having said that, it will kill me if I am not pregnant again by the time she has her baby in January :-( You just have to take each day at a time and hopefully it will get easier for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs. I find ranting on here helps - do you have a journal you can write your thoughts and feelings in? Mine has been so good for me and there are lots of lovely ladies on here who will also understand how you are feeling and be able to offer support and advice. If you need to chat feel free to PM me. You are definitely not alone in all of this xxxxx
Thanks a million lol ... Yeah i know how u feel my friend was 7 weeks ahead of me also and she has had her scan now and seeing her pictures makes me so jealous! Im so sorry to hear about your loss also.... Its great tbh any ranting i do my amazin partner listens d me and has been there which is brilliant ... We got very lucky and got our bfp in our 2nd month ttc .... Hoping that will b the same and come january i will have mine also!

I find this site amazin particularly for things like this and the silliest little questions ... A females hormones r bloody crazy its great tho us girls all feel the same .... Would love to get my bfp next month but trying not to astress it ouy and let it happen... Have u ever tried opks? Ive bought them for this cycle to give thema go! X
Yes I use OPKs and chart my temperature every morning so I know when I am going to ovulate (or not as happened last cycle :-(). My OH has been amazing through all of this, don't think I could have got through it without his love and support. We got pregnant in our 4th month of trying so I hope it won't take too long to get there again :) xxx
So much easier wen ur other half is supportive!! Heres hoping for 2 bfps... No ovulation last month? Any reason you didnt?
I don't know why I didn't ovulate last cycle :-( I ovulated about 2 weeks after my D&C and AF arrived when I expected it to. Then my 2nd cycle (the last one), I got a positive OPK but then didn't ovulate. it could have been because I wasnt very well with a bad cold or because I was so stressed about getting pregnant. The cycle lasted about 40 days so totally f****d up :-( This cycle everything seemed fine and I got 2 positive OPKs but now my temperature hasn't dropped so I'm panicking I won't ovulate again :-( grrrrrr stupid body. Maybe the mc has screwed up my cycles for a bit.
Honestly ur feelings are natural I hated every pregnant woman wen I lost my bean bk in may it took me a long time to even congratulate ppl in here on the bfp section I was so Jelous it was horrible I was o bitter still am a lil bit but I've just had another early loss, I'm getting better tho it took me awhile 24 hours today to congratulate my neice in law on her birth of her baby girl I feel like a right bitch but I'm so Jelous I'm meant to be getting ready to give birth not ttc again don't beat ya self up it does get better trust me :) xx
Have u asked the doctor about ur cycle? .... Thanks a million jojo... Ive my sisters baby shower tomorrow and a love my sister and am happy for her tbh shes the only one i dnt get upset about wen she talks about her pregnancy cos im really excited too!! .... Butttt 2 friends of minr n hers will b there and there pregnant .... I dunno how am gonna cope lol
I know exactly how you feel. When I was pregnant for the 4th time (2 live births and one miscarriage before hand) I had my facebook status all planned out. "We are excited to announce we are expecting our 3rd baby on September 4th" Unfortunately I lost it a week before I could make that announcement. The day I was meant to make it a friend had that almost exact same status including the date. I cried so much. I then found out that another friend who had kept her pregnancy quiet was having a C section 2 weeks before the first baby I lost that was due in June so her real due date was a few days after mine was. I was shocked she was pregnant because the last time I saw her which was around abouty the time we both fell pregnant she was very close to splitting with her husband. I ended up deleting all friends on facebook that were not close. I only have people who I actually talk to.

It hurt so much I'm now over half way with my 5th pregnancy and all looks really good but I still think about my angles. They will never be far from my mind but when people ask how many children I have I will always answer 3 (by the time this one is born) but my heart will always scream 5.
Awww liza :( bug big hugs.... Im having such a bad day today... My sister had her baby shower and it was all go go go with the baby talk and now its over .... I literally just wanna climb into bed and cry :( just feel horrible and my partner is away tnyt so just me in the house :(
Aww I'm so sorry you had such a tough time today at your sister's baby shower, I'm not sure I would have been able to cope :hug: Sending you love & hugs xxx
Yeah I had to go to a baby shower 4 days after my first MC. It was very hard. I just sort of stood in a corner. I hope you're feeling better today. I still have ups and downs.
I've just had a text this morning from a friend of mine to tell me she's just had her baby - I haven't been able to reply and congratulate her yet :-( I'm dreading going to visit her as I know it will be really hard but she will be upset of I stay away. She doesn't know about my mc and I'm not sure I should tell her.
At least you are heading in the right direction m'dear. I know how you feel. Someone on my floor at work had their leaving presentation on Friday as try went on maternity week to have twins and I've on just finished bleeding from a miscarriage 3 weeks ago. It's really hard to be happy for someone else when you're hurting inside. I'm sure it'll be your turn soon! Hugs! xxx
Hi Cers!

I am also so sorry hun that you have gone through this too. It is the most horrible thing ever! I was naive enought to believe that the minute I got pg that was it - my worst problem would be morning sickness. Well 2 mc's later the world looks a different place. Fate always plays a hand in it and surrounds you with people who are pg or giving birth (my friend gave birth 2 days after my 2nd mc and she didnt know I was pg) just as we are going through this but time does heal. The love for holding a little one in your arms will give you the strength to carry on (and the wonderful ladies on here!).

Take care hun! XXX
awww katkin :( hope ur feeling better ... hugs xx
Im feeling alot better at the moment, my partner has been soooo helpfull in pushing me in the right direction, i think its crazy how men can cope with it all... its like water off a ducks back after a while lol.... or maybe my partners just so strong hes being strong for the both of us. We keep talking more about ttc... This month im trying opks to see how i get on.... i really want my baby now more than ever, i think it u have of met me this time last yr until now u may understand how much ive changed and how ive come along. I really want to try this month, but im scared im also at university and have 4 assignments due this month and for me assignments = stress and i really dont want to stress over my ovulation incase i mess up my chance...

FX for sticky bfps!!

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