Am I the only one?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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I know its a silly thing to think about but I keep thinking

" what if my baby looks ugly? " :oops:

Sounds really vain and sad I know, and I shouldnt even be thinking about it, lol ive been a model for goodness sake and my OH isnt a minger so my offspring shouldnt be :lol:

lol im sad

I'm not the only one am I ?
I think we find anything to worry about right now, I do :hug: I am sure you will love your baby no matter what when it comes :cheer:
No, i know what you mean, but as gingerpig says we are worrying about every single little trivial thing right now hun!
:doh: its the most pethetic thing on the planet to worry about lol :lol:

lol ive got worse things going on and all I can think about is what shes going to look like :roll: I know im going to love her no matter what and she will be beautifull to me.

Silly woman ! :shakehead:
Exactly hun, our LO's will always be perfect to us anyways :hug:
i know wat u mean @ tasha...

i think about it everyday... but i think its caz im critical of ppls looks..

in ja .. we always say never criticise someones features wen ur preggy caz u never kno wat urs will look like

i wud luv it if my baby looked like me ...
I keep worrying that my little boy will have ginger hair. My 2 girls have brown hair but i have red hair and i keep thinking its got to come out sometime. I know it doesn't really matter but i can't help it. It just seems so much worse on a boy! :oops:

wat features from u or oh or family u want ur baby to have

**were sounding terribly vain arent we?**

oh well :shakehead: :rotfl:
Well I was born bald then went blonde, which is what id like her to be, I love bald babies!!!

As for features my OH has very big inset eyes, with beautifull eyelashes, id like her to have them and have his dark hair too ( which is also very curly when long ( never has it long now tho ), but my nose :lol:

How about you? lol your going to say everything arnt u Ebs :rotfl:
lol.. i was born bald but want my lil bubba to have hair :cheer:

luv her to have my eye colour or my moms... she has hazelish eyes... i have light brown looks so cute with her skin tone

errrmm... my nose.. my my skin lips :rotfl:

put it like this.. lol i want her to look like me .. plus its a girl .. my little mini me :cheer:

also wud luv it if she looked like both her grannies or my lil sis or her dads lil sis :rotfl:

oh boy :rotfl:


i just dont want her to have her dads eyes :oops:

i kno u said ur o/h has big glowing eyes but so duz her dad but i dont like

i kno she'll have em tho as da 3d scan pics showed me quite clearly

shes still a cutie tho! with my genes she must be :cheer:
lol my OH said hes dreading having a mini me, lol shes going to be a right madam if shes anything like me, very highly strung indeed lol :lol:

My little girl is not gonna take any crap I tell yer :wink:

lol I don't think we are vain at all, we only want the best for our children :lol:
Tasha20 said:
lol I don't think we are vain at all, we only want the best for our children :lol:

Tasha20 said:
I know its a silly thing to think about but I keep thinking

" what if my baby looks ugly? " :oops:

Sounds really vain and sad I know, and I shouldnt even be thinking about it, lol ive been a model for goodness sake and my OH isnt a minger so my offspring shouldnt be :lol:

lol im sad

I'm not the only one am I ?

oh its normal to think that. I spent all 4 of my pregnancies worrying id give birth to paul daniels love child.
They will be ugly at first tash. Mine all looked like chewed up toffies but you love them all the same and in a few days they start to look human and you love them more.
:D hope thats put your mind at rest.
lol.. ugly at first? :shock:


how about an hour ot two after their all cleaned up etc? :think:
yeah they look ok. I think they just look like swollen up pudgy things at first.
In a few days maybe hours they start to look like porcelaine dolls though :hug:
lol ive seen some babies have proper cone heads :lol: but they go back to normal by the next day
Yeah the midwife actually said to us at our antenatal classes that they come out looking like little old men and sometimes not that attractive! She said the creases iron out over a few days!! :rotfl:

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