Am I really 6 weeks pregnant??


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hello ladies! I just got my BFP yesterday and am so happy! I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me though. I have really long cycles that have for the past couple of months been 40 days. This month I ovulated on CD24, the first day of my last period being 7th Jan. This makes me nearly 6 weeks pregnant even though I am only 15DPO. Do you know if it is calculated the same way if you have a long cycle?

Thank you everyone for being so supportive and friendly, I just love this forum!

Skatty xx

if you click on this link

you will find a pregnancy calander it asks you for the 1st day of you last period and how long your cycle lasts then it will come up with an EED i used this when i found out i was pregnant it was only a few days out with me!

This was helpful for me as i couldnt stop wondering when bean would be due, hope it helps you!

Your first scan will be able to give you a much much more accurate date to go by, but to start with they normally work it out from the first day of you LMP.

hth x
Hi Skatty,

We had the same thing really. The date of my last period was 6th November. We know that I ovulated on CD 27, so we counted 14 days back from this, & used that as my date of last period (so 18th November). I know it seems silly to do this, but it is the way that the length of your pregnancy is calculated. We got our BFP 13 DPO, & we calculated that our due date was 25th August 2006.

The doctor agreed with the way we had calculated it, but gave us a date of 27th Aug for some reason. When we went for our scan a couple of days ago, they gave us a date of 25th Aug, so we were spot on!!

Thank goodness we knew when we ovulated!!

Sorry if I've rambled on, hope this helps!!
Thank you for your quick replies. I tried both methods and they came out as the 24th and 26th October, that's so exciting!! My husband was hoping that it would be an October baby because his horoscope for tthe year in January said expect a new arrival in October! He's never believed in his stars before but I guess he will from now on. :)

I'm a bit nervous about seeing the dotor etc because I am living in Denmark and am taking lessons but my Danish in not too good yet. Luckily most people speak really good english, I hope this is the case.

Thanks again, Skatty x

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