6 1/2 weeks pregnant symtoms??....


Jan 4, 2008
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I am over 6 weeks pregnant and just wondered what everyones symptoms were at this stage.

I keep getting period pains and sharp pains in my lower abdoman and am slightly worried this is a bad sign. :think:

I have sore breasts but do not feel sick. I do feel really tired though. :sleep:

What were/are your symptom? Do you think mine are anything to worry about? :oops:
No nothing to worry about hun, unless your bleeding and the pains are really bad.
I had these pains in fact i still get the twinges and pains now and i'm nearly 12 weeks.
I had no symptoms at all hardly at 6 weeks and desperately wanted to feel sick, but that started at about 8 weeks.

Congrats on your pregnancy.

P.s. you have your ticker in your avatar box!
I know I have ...... I am such an idiot!! Being new am still trying to figure all of this out!! :oops:

First - congratulations :hug:

I had period type pains for a few weeks, they soon went. And I was also worrying about not feeling too sick - and then it came!! I think there are so many things to worry about in pregnancy but having read posts on here the one thing that can be guaranteed - is that NOTHING can be guaranteed!

I think some people get loads of symptoms really badly and other only get a few or not at all. There is a thread here somewhere about the different ones people have been having. I had sore boobs from the outset. They feel really bruised and I had to get new bras farily early on. I forgot the other day and went to 'jog' up the office. (I needed to grab someone before they went out, not just random excercise!!) Cor I stopped quickly. Even coming down stairs too quickly makes them hurt.

Anyway, don't stress. Easier said than done I know. :D
Hiya hun, at the min i have funny full type feeling in by lower belly, af pains when i get up suddenly or stretch, some days by boobs feel a little sore other days they are fine, i have had lower backache on and off and nausea on and off more off than on at the minute lol!

still weeing rather a lot and feel tired at random points during the day
The symptoms you describe are perfectly normal hun. You'll probably feel them during the whole of the first tri on and off.

I'm only 4 weeks and keep getting sharp twinges lower down. I have sore boobs and keep peeing. I'm getting a bit of nausea and feeling hungry all the time. Already!
I have occasional nausia, sore boobs that are getting loads bigger, quite tired and peeing loads Im also getting the pains in abdomen on and off but alot of the time I just dont feel pregnant and keep thinking I should be being sick or something but if/when the sickness kicks in will be wishing for it to go again no doubt! :roll:
I'm 6 and half weeks I keep getting period like pains but only mild and occasionally I think that's just my hormones. I feel sick a lot of the time but am never sick. Most of the time I eat small meals and gone off a lot of foods. I'm just worried of loosing my baby but trying to put it aside as its stressful. Congrats to all mummies to be. Also I get very sore boobies n nipples however they are now huge. I need to wee quite a bit and get occasionally backaches. becoming pregnant still a shock as I got PCOS however me n ,y fiance are extremely overwhelmed, x
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hun... dont worry yourself with the pains to much!
ive heard its common with early pregnancy.. ive had them on and off for the last week.

If ur in realy pain and really concerned either call ur drs, MW or EPU at ur hospital. xxxx
I'm not too worried bout pain reallyits fear of loosing I get lol.
I didn't get sick til 7 weeks hun. Don't worry. I was very tired even before I got my very early bfp! All good signs xx
So I went to the Er because I started bleeding a lot out of nowhere I had to change my road within the hour.... NOT NORMAL RIGHT? When I went they did an ultrasound & an pelvic exam & blood work. My hormone level increased since my last er visit (I was bleeding 9 days prior to this) & my hormone level increased by 60% & my baby grew in size, But No heart beat? I'm FREAKING OUT
So I went to the Er because I started bleeding a lot out of nowhere I had to change my road within the hour.... NOT NORMAL RIGHT? When I went they did an ultrasound & an pelvic exam & blood work. My hormone level increased since my last er visit (I was bleeding 9 days prior to this) & my hormone level increased by 60% & my baby grew in size, But No heart beat? I'm FREAKING OUT

Sorry you're going through this, why don't you start your own thread an maybe people will comment on it there. Gives you the chance to write the whole story rather than piggybacking someone else's thread :)
These are my exact same symptons! My cramps are on and off I'm 7 weeks And they have settled but I find if I stand up for long periods or get tired I get more pains and back ache!xx
I didn't find out that I was pregnant until 7 weeks, but I remember at 6 weeks having some mild pain lower down in my abdomen which felt like period pains. I also had a weird lump in my throat and didn't feel like eating. Didn't feel sick until 7 weeks. Sickness has gone in my 8th week, just feel hungry all the time. I was also getting up at night to pee a lot!
Sounds the same as me at 6 weeks ish, I had slight dull period type pains that only lasted a few days but never had any bleeding. I wasn't feeling sick at that time either and was just very tired like you.

You feel like you should be feeling totally different all the time and then it's natural to worry when you feel relatively normal, that's what I felt like. Everyone is different though x
I'm 7 weeks and no sickness yet! I wonder if it will start lol x
Hi it's Ellie. I had severe heartburn in or first pregnancy up until we lost them at 11 weeks. With Alfie our lb, I had a very smooth pregnancy. Apart from the stretching pains early in, the typical bruises feeling boobs and the night he sat on my sciatica nerve, our pregnancy was problem free. This time, we guess we are at 6-7 weeks, I have sore boobs, stretching pains, nausea, dizziness and wanting to eat everything in sight! Every pregnancy is different with each child and each woman :)

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