am i pregnant need answers


New Member
May 31, 2012
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I had sex unprotected sex twice during my fertile window and twice just after its been 3 weeks now and i have this constant wierd feeling in my stomach ive been feelinb sick on and off for about 5 days now and have terrible heartburn my period isnt due til another week and ive also been gettinb alot of discharge (sorry tmi) so i just need to know what you guys think thankss
I also forgot to mention im very enotional and am crying alot then laughibg!!

I have been suffering the same lately and wondered if I could be pg!! My boobs are the biggest tell tale sign as they are much more painful than they would be if I were due on but I am resisting testing as I don't want to be disappointed. I am due on this week but so far there has been no sign at all except strange feelings in the muscles of my belly.

Hope you get your answers hun x
if your fertile window was 3 weeks ago, how can your period still not be due for another week? You generally get your period 10-16 days after you ovulate - so your period is more than likely a week late.......

I would take a test.....
I agree with the above. If this happened three weeks ago you should get a accurate reading on a pregnancy test x
Okay guys thanks, im nervous to take a test :/ does it sound likr pregnancy to you? X
Possibly, the only way to tell for sure is to test. good luck.
just echoing wat the others said only way is to test x
Let us know how you get on fingers crossed for you x

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