Am I pregnant again?


Active Member
Jun 5, 2011
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Ok I had an ectopic pregnancy which resulted in my right tube being removed 7 weeks ago. My period hasn't come yet so I did a clearblue indicator test which says pregnant 1-2 weeks....... I had unprotected sex about 7 days ago. Could I be pregnant or is hcg still present from ectopic? Whats the chances of getting a positive 7 days after?
On a clearblue digi there chances are next to none that it is picking up a pregnancy only conceived 7 days ago at the most, so it must be the ectopic.

Sorry for your loss :hug:
That's what I thought but I phoned the doctor and she said the hormone shouldn't be in my body after 7 weeks if it was it would be LEDs than 5. I did the early conception test it says 1-2 weeks on it and I have faint lines on frer
I had a natural miscarriage on 1st march...on 27th March I had doc said same..that it shouldnt be left over hormones...sooo...I had a blood test which confirmed new pregnancy..

You cannot be 100% sure either way until you have had a beta hcg test (blood) :)

Fingers crossed for you hun x
How many days after ovulation did u test? Is everything going ok this time x
Have you had sex only the only 7 days ago or other times too?

CB digi says 10 DPO at the latest so it is odd - fingers crossed though :)
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Yes the only time as my partner was working away
Im not sure how many dpo as I wasnt countng.

Everything is absolutely fine, had my hormones levels tested at 5 weeks to confirm it was new pregnancy then have had two scan due to two previous mcs but everything seems ok and im 14 weeks tomorrow :) x
Oh that's fantastic news Hun x x
hey ,did your ectopic rupture ,had my rt tube out a few yrs ago! my levels went down to 3 within a week ,i was having blood tests at the hospital every 2 days until they went to 0 though ,did they not do that for you?? fx for u x
No it didn't rupture exactly but a hole had appeared in it so I guess it was ready to.....
The lines are no darker so I'm thinking hormone is still there
I reckon you could have a BFP on your hands Hun, I was told yesterday that you can actually OV before the positive OPK, that may well have happened..

FX for you.


it maybe a long shot but i read a story about a woman that had an ectopic pregnancy , they gave her methotrexate to end the pregnancy , they later found out that she had been somehow pregnant in her womb and in her tube , unfortunatly the methotrexate was already ending the life of the foetus in the womb so therefore caused an go back to the docs!i really dont understand why they were not monitoring your bloods afterwards anyway ..i thought that was standard procedure :s fx for you x
it maybe a long shot but i read a story about a woman that had an ectopic pregnancy , they gave her methotrexate to end the pregnancy , they later found out that she had been somehow pregnant in her womb and in her tube , unfortunatly the methotrexate was already ending the life of the foetus in the womb so therefore caused an go back to the docs!i really dont understand why they were not monitoring your bloods afterwards anyway ..i thought that was standard procedure :s fx for you x

They would have monitored me if I had ruptured but as my tube and pregnancy was taken away before that happened apparently I didnt need to be monitored as the was no chance of any pregnancy traces being left.

Ok so I went to the doctors today, they did a urine test there and it came back positive. She sent me to the hospital for bloodwork this morning too with a request for the results today. She called me back in half an hour ago. My levels are at 753 and unaware to me bloodwork was done 4 days after my op (the day they released me) to check my levels they were at 521 so they are higher than when I came out. She said it indicates I am pregnant but alot of things are going against me due to what happened recently. It could end up ectopic, a miscarriage or blighted something can't remember what exactly lol. I go back in two weeks for another test as nothing will be seen on a scan till then.
Congratulations samie. I really hope it all works out well for you this time. Best of luck.
Hope it all goes ok for you. Congratulations xx

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