Am I ovulating twice or got mucked up hormones??! *UPDATED WITH PIC*


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi girls, I am about 6/7 DPO and have just done an OPK, I needed to POAS!! :blush: And I swear the line was as dark as the control line! Did I not ovulate last week when the line was darker than the control line? Or am I ovulating twice or are my hormones mucked up somehow? What's going on with that?? :confused:

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i dont want to get your hopes up hun but opks can detect hcg. i done one at 8dpo and the test line was daker than controll line done a preg test next day and got my bfp. good luck hun xx
Hi Flopsy,

My First instinct is also, is it HCG? 6/7 DPO would be very early but certainly not unheard of?

It is also possible though to ovulate twice in a cycle, do you have unpredictable cycles?

Fingers crossed but don't get your hopes up too much, if it isn't a BFP then I guess ovulating twice is great as it doubles your chances!

Thanks! Since TTC, my cycles have gone from 28 - 35 days usually about 32. I have my first 21 day blood test tomorrow, so I guess I will find out a bit more after that. I don't want to get my hopes up about a :bfp: too much, it hurts all the more when I get that :bfn: :roll:

Ohh hun I know EXACTLY how you feel, this is what happened to me last month got a strong reading on OPK so done the dirty loads but then a week later had loads of CM which I though at the time could be implantation, but turns out that was my actual OV as two weeks later the witch arrived... so fekin frustrating!!

If unsure just make sure you do the deed just in case your first reading was wrong!!
Understandable, I forgot about your bloods, good that you'll know what's going on soon xx
I don't think OH and I will be doing the deed this week...he's ill :( Oh well, what's another month on top of the 10 we've been trying for? :)

It will be good to get these bloods done, although I am scared about them.

Hi the others said about hcg! when you testing xxxhope its a bfp!
i had lh surge register on my opks and then about a week later it register again.....9 mnths later I had my little boy! Good sign dont want to get your hopes up though good luck x
I dont want to put your hopes up either but could be a very good sign... just presume its ovulation surge and try to do the deed again if you can. Its worth a try but if OH not well then maybe you could do most of the work and he can relax lol. Really got my fingrrs crossed and good luck with the bloods
Here is the pic of the two tests. The top one was yesterday but it was a lot darker before it dried out! :) What do you think...? hopes are getting up!! :roll:



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Strange. It should be darker than the control line though. Are you going to test soon? Cbd? Think you should... come on You're a POAS addict anyway lol... seriously though i know getting the bfn would be a complete disappointment. If I was you id do a test and presume BFN but get 2 so you have one for your proper testing date. Hey, i saw on a thread that boots have bogof offer just now. Cant do any harm.,
My OH actually found some good pregnancy tests in Sainsburys - 2 tests in a box for like, £5, they can't detect as low as 10hcg, but they can 15. They say they can pick up from 4 days before AF is due... cheap and cheerful anyway :)
I just happened to have a pregnancy test in, only a tesco's own one, which I did last night and surprise, surprise :bfn:

I just found it so strange that those OPKs were so much darker than the others I had done after my positive OPKs last week. I have run out of OPKs too now. :(

where the ovulation tests different miu? could that make a difference im not sure xx
They were from the same batch hun. Done another one tonight, it's the same colour as teh control line.

What sensitivity was the tesco test? I don't want to get your hopes up either but if you did get a positive opk because you were about to ovulate you'd expect the lines to be either faint or not there by now - do you usually only get lines around the time of ovulation? x
I usually get very faint lines, then one or 2 as dark as the control line, one darker and then they gradually fade to nearly not there anymore again. Which they did this cycle, I just decided to POAS before my day 21 bloods to see.

I did a HPT last night though and got a :bfn: :(


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