am i overworrying about babys movements?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi guys,

Well I've only started in past 2 weeks to get strong twinges that I know r baby moving. Sometimes baby moves a lot and I get a lot of twinges, esp with music. But yest and today I haven't felt much maybe the odd twinge here or there.

Could it be that baby has moved position? It just worries me that I'm not feeling it constantly and its only sometimes.

Has anyone else had this? Maybe I've been asleep when baby has been active? I even drank 2 cans of coke hoping baby would move but nothing (but did fall asleep in between cans)

Any ideas? Thanks guys x
I have been exactly the same! I even put a similar post on. Some days bubs is more active than others & although I normally feel movement every couple of hours, there are days when I feel something in the morning & then nothing until very late at night. I think it has depended in how bubs is laying & if there having a lazy day or not!
What I would just say is that if you are concerned & haven't movement for a significant amount of time - call your midwife, it's what they're there for hun x
I'm like you though - won't rest until my little one is safely in my arms & both them & me are ok.

Sunnyb xxx
I couldn't really feel anything but the occasional movement up till 24 weeks, then had an active week then 24-28 weeks she moved not much at all; got so worried I went to the hospital (after doing the bath, sugary drink etc thing and getting nada) but all was fine and since about 29 weeks she's been really active finally. Midwife said not to worry about irregular movements, just the way it goes for some people! If you're really concerned though pop along to hospital and they can put your mind to rest in under 10 mins with the doppler.
This baby has been really lazy and only just started moving more with Amy she was quite active I was worried when I hadji felt her but now that she has hot much room she moving more probs to get comfy lol as long as your still feeling baby move everything shud be fine Hun plus baby has alot of room it could be hiding towards ur back plus it depends where ur placenta is lying too
Well as soon as I went to bed, even tho I was watching tv for ages in bed , little man started moving!! Lots and lots of twinges! Typical!! Lol x
They say not to start counting/measuring movements until you are 28 weeks because baby still has so much room in there and can get tucked away! Probably what has happened in your case - he swam round the back or something, lol. Glad you've felt him since anyway xxx
my baby is a lazy bones to and i try not to worry then all of a sudden i panic.... ive hardly had any "kicks and punches" its all more like he just wriggles about lol i had the same with my other son so must be the way i am it is worrying tho isnt it its always a bit reassuring to know other ppls babies are lazy to lol glad u felt ur little man hun x
Well as soon as I went to bed, even tho I was watching tv for ages in bed , little man started moving!! Lots and lots of twinges! Typical!! Lol x

I posted a thread about the same thing a few days ago, and a few hours after posting the thread I felt him move again lol! Cheeky little babies :)


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