am i over reacting cause i feel like i have had enough


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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my fella works 38 hours a week on fork lift truck sitting on his arse alll for the 8 hours even he has admitted its easy job, i do washing and cleaning and all cooking and look after the boys when he in work at weekend from friday night he comes home and plays on computer and never helped me once with kids last night when they banging around etc etc, i lost an old friend from school today and i been a bit upset he not once hugged me just asked if i am ok, i also in bit pain witch i told him about and i am still running round after the boys while he sits on his xbox, so i asked him to get of and help me and he had ago at me so i threw my lap top in rage and i was trying to put it back together and he kept shouting saying u do it like this, i just cannot take it any more i am so tired and feel really down i just dont know what to do :(
Aww hun, sounds like your having a really hard time. Do you think you could try and have a serious talk with him and tell him that you're struggling and need more help? Or if he is still not open to getting off his bum is there anyone else you could turn to for some help, even if they could just look after the boys for a bit while you have a rest or something? xxx
he is one of them that will do it for an hour then give up :(
Men have to be told otherwise they do nothing! I don't even huff or drop hints anymore as that never works, I just say "can you wash up please?" or "can you Hoover while I dust" etc he never says no and always does it but if I don't say anything he thinks the fairys do it. Funny how he managed to keep his flat clean and tidy before we moved in together and didn't have anyone to tell him! They get lazy because we let them!
if the talking doesnt work, tell him your doc has told you to rest at the moment and that he has to pull his finger out.....if that doesnt work hide his computer and see how fast and how much he can do around the house to earn the computer back!!! bet he shifts himself then hey ha ha
lol he answers r why have a dog and bark yourself i hate him so much right now i just wanna eat him and spit him out!!!
lol he answers r why have a dog and bark yourself i hate him so much right now i just wanna eat him and spit him out!!!

Why have a dog and bark yourself???
Did he really say that to you??!!
OMG thats just awful!!
Personally if that was me i kick the SOB out and see how he manages on his own!! Youve been doing all the work around the house and with the kids so believe me, he wont be missed!! I cant believe he has said that to you! Im fuming for you!!
Ive been treated like a c u next tuesday before and believe me i wont be doing it again! My new partner (his first child) does everything he is told! And he wants to so im very lucky to have him, but there are times when he sways towards the ps3 and i tell him he has to do his part around the house before he gets his luxuries!! Men..well.. Boys are like kids.. he wants to act like one??....TREAT HIM LIKE ONE!!
Im still in shock by this. Im so sorry, you shouldnt be going through this.. i know how it feels.. and i know how it feels to get through to the other side away from it all.. and life is bliss for me now!!
I hope you can find a way to make your relationship balanced and work for your familys sake. Everyone is different and it will take different things to wake these boys up.. but it usually takes something big unfortunately!

hang in there and be strong.. put your foot down.

You definitly need a break,if you cant rely on him, then ask someone else to have the kids while you rest... dont do the housework... just rest!!

Happy Mummy= Happy Baby xx take care of yourself
yeh he says it all time, i asked him to put up some curtains before and he said its not rocket scince, my sister wants me to leave him but my mum is worried because il be alone with 3 kids :\ .
my sister is visiting for 2 weeks at end of month so i am sure she will not put up with it and tell him what to do, i broke down before and he just said stop it x
As far as i can see you are a single mum already!! Dont ever sell yourself short for anyone! And dont stay with him for the kids sake as it will have a negative effect on your kids..
I dont know the ins and outs, but it sounds like you want to leave him but your scared. Never be scared.
I was in a domestic violence relationship with my ex (father of my girls) and put up with abuse for the sake of my daughter. It was too late by the time i figured out it was affecting her. She has issues big time now :( It took something big for me to realise what was going on. He let my youngest choke on her sick at 5 weeks old. the look on his face.. cold. willing her to just give up. she was purple and not breathing in my arms and he was fully trained in first aid. he picked up my eldest and left the room while i was screaming for help... he came back and threw me a leaflet on choking. it was then that i realised it had to stop.
Physical, mental and emotional abuse are all the same in my book. i was unfortunate to get all three in one hit. What you are going through is wrong.. but you seem to have a very loving family that im sure will support you while you get on your feet if you decide to leave.
I dont know the full story so im in no position to say leave, but definitly think about what is best for you and your children. Dont let him treat you this way. He has no right.
Im sorry for ranting but i have strong feelings on these subjects... please feel free to PM me at any time if u want to talk.. im always here..
I hope you find the strength to keep on being the fantastic mother you are and never let anyone make you think any different. You are worth more!
God im welling up.. damn hormones.. :(
Please do something, you cant keep living like that. Relationship councilling? Anything!
Dont ever think you are overreacting to a comment like that!!
I used to make excuses for him and find a way to believe it was my fault and i provoked it etc etc... no.. thats wrong.
I found not doing his part of the housework helps. Like his washing of clothes and not cooking his tea.... Let him do it for himself!
It's so funny watching them look for a pair of jeans they want to wear to go out in, only to realise that the fairy hasn't picked them off the floor where he left them last time and washed and ironed and put them back in the wardorbe, 5 minutes before he's due to go out :D xx
your not being a single mum to are being a single mum to 4!!! like the other girls said, omfg you poor love...take the chance when your sister comes chuck him out and spend time with her, I promise promise promise he will be back begging if not hes not worth it. Similar has happened to my sister....he's beggin her now. Take care huni, you dont need him, there are plenty of people looking after kids on their own and they cope no its not easy but they do hes making things worse for you not better hope youre ok xxx

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