Am I just paranoid?


New Member
Apr 10, 2014
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Hey, I had a MC on the 22nd of March confirmed by the hospital, nearly 3 weeks ago, the bleeding stopped after 6 days and me and my partner didn't waste any time after before having unprotected S. I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks 1 day and lost it at 5 weeks 1 day. I had tender breasts but they went back to normal after a couple of days, but for the past week I have had mild but annoying headache everyday which lasts a couple of hours then goes with paracetamol, I have been really constipated but today I have not left the toilet I have a weak belly at the moment, after the MC my appetite was dead but it's now back with a vengeance, I have had mild cramping and I have been feeling sick but haven't been physically. I wondered if someone could give me advice on here as my work rules my life and I don't get much time to get to the doctors, I don't want to worry over nothing, I think I am worried that if I am pregnant that I will MC again but I don't know if I'm just being silly/ desperate as me and my partner have been trying for some time now. Hope someone can help me.
Thank you

It's natural to worry but try not to. Mosy people that miscarry (even if once, twice or three+) go on to have healthy pregnancies / babies... And I do know a fair few that did get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage. I have always waited one cycle then tried & fell pregnant straight away again!

If you mc on 22nd march in theory you could have OV'd since then so could be pregnant. But the earliest you would probably be is 3 weeks so even a trip to the GP or HPT won't be able to tell you anything at this point unfortunately... Also the signs could just be your body adjusting... It all sounds completely normal & nothing to worry about - either way try not to worry, maybe wait a week then test if you feel the urge. Xx
Yeah I think I may be paranoid, see what happens I suppose and just go with the flow, thank you x

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