Hey, I had a MC on the 22nd of March confirmed by the hospital, nearly 3 weeks ago, the bleeding stopped after 6 days and me and my partner didn't waste any time after before having unprotected S. I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks 1 day and lost it at 5 weeks 1 day. I had tender breasts but they went back to normal after a couple of days, but for the past week I have had mild but annoying headache everyday which lasts a couple of hours then goes with paracetamol, I have been really constipated but today I have not left the toilet I have a weak belly at the moment, after the MC my appetite was dead but it's now back with a vengeance, I have had mild cramping and I have been feeling sick but haven't been physically. I wondered if someone could give me advice on here as my work rules my life and I don't get much time to get to the doctors, I don't want to worry over nothing, I think I am worried that if I am pregnant that I will MC again but I don't know if I'm just being silly/ desperate as me and my partner have been trying for some time now. Hope someone can help me.
Thank you
Thank you