Am I in labour or what?

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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OK am 3-4cm dilated with a nearly fully effaced cervix. Have back ache and tightenings but no real pain as such. Am I in labour cause this is nothing like what I had with my DD????? :shock:
:shock: sounds like labour to me

Well good luck :cheer: :cheer: its all very exciting !!! :hug:
when you are 4cm dilated they say you are in established labour yes...if you go to hospital maybe they will try and speed things up?

cas xx
Hmm was thinking if you ring the hospital and tell them your situation they might want you to go in and help you along a bit :think:
Really hope things start moving for you soon hun :hug:
I feel fine just finished the ironing and food is cooking do I really need to do anything other than just wait?
3 cm or more and its classed as labour miracle . so congratulations!
omg omg i'm so exited 4 u, sounds like labour :cheer: ring whoever u ring and make sure, or ring the nhs helpline to see what they say! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: sounds like preggo smurf did the trick :rotfl:
u may not be in uncomfortable labout but ur in labour if they say 4 or more is labour or whatever they up and down the stairs or jump on the bed see if ur waters go :rotfl: lend budge's smurf suit to do it in if it helps, cant see that it would but it sure would be funny :rotfl: good luck! :cheer: :wave:
stay right where you are at home though miracle until you really can't stand the contractions or your waters break. The last thing you want in intervention to screw things up. Just go with the flow and it will be a nicer experience.
phone the labor ward and they will advise you, the number is on the top of your green notes (im sure you knew that??)

GOOD LUCK - Ahhhhhhhhhhh wicked.

:dance: :clap:
yeah go for it and shag his brains out!!!!!
Yes sex for definate! Your cervx is well on it's way and sounds like your tightenings are doing their job so get that rumpy pumpy in :lol:

Mine started off just like that and my waters broke a few hours later, I was talking to a few girls on msn when I was in labour but I didnt think it was either.

Good luck girlie!!
yeah beats jumpin on the bed lol :lol: much more exiting...
yes its in the ''for miracle babe thread''

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