am i going nucking futs!?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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as it says up there.. am i going nucking futs ? or am i just clutching at straws now..:wall2:

Since getting home from the hospital tonight i have been stairing at google, and about a million diff posts, pages and forums trying to get answers to whats going on with me and ema....

i seem to have found the following info:

last AF was feb 7th, ema is reg as clockwork so next should be march 7th!
ovulation is between 10-14 days after AF so that makes it some time between feb 16th and 22nd although im pretty sure it was on the wed 17th as we "fell out" that night...:roll:

now implantation can take betwen 7 to 10 days so ( longers date poss ) that makes it 27th of feb... ( but could be as late as 4th march )

The HCG hormone starts to be released into the woman's blood stream soon after the baby implants into the lining of her uterus (about 8 to 12 days after conception). The HCG blood level will initially start off very low (at least 5 IU/L), but then rapidly increase (doubling every 2 to 3 days), so that within a few days to a week or so, the HCG level becomes high enough to be detected in the woman's urine (at least 50 to 80 IU/L). Once this level is achieved, a urine pregnancy test will show as being 'positive'.

so with all that up there im totally confused:wall2:

WHY are we getting neg HPT's? is it that the HCG just aint high enough?

Should ema demand a blood test so that one way or another we know whats going on!

im at me wits end with this.... Its hard enough knowing that my chances of fathering a child without IVF are beyond slim but seeing what its doing to ema is killing me.
I can't really help but i didn't want to read and run :(
i just want to give the pair of you the greatest hug and i wish you the best of luck and get the BFP you both deserve!
:hug: xxxx
the problem is hun that everything you've quoted there may be true of the average Joe but we're not all average.... I ovulate on cd8 so according to that I wouldn't be pregnant.....

Stress can keep af away and you're both probably feeling under pressure this month. I'd be inclined to ask for a blood test if you have a reasonable GP. That's the only way of getting a definitive answer.
i think this is what im pushing for.. Ema has been a reck all night, im no far behind her cause i keep feeling like its my fault we have this problem in th efirst place!

i have managed to get her to take the wean to school and im phoning the doctor to get another appointment and im pushing for it today...

one way or another i want her to know whats happening, and IF its honestly not that she is preg then a few answers will be asked as this is just takin the piss a bit now.

i usually deal with nerviosness and stress by takin the piss or making a joke of everything but in this case, im done. ive ran out o things to say....

anyhooo.. cheers for all the support :) i know ema really apresiates it... ( as do it )
i dont feel that i have been stressed lately, just not well.
we have rang the doctors and he thinks its too soon, so if no period in 2weeks time, he will do a blood test.

im just really sore after the internals. phoned in sick AGAIN!!..(im gonna get the sack sore sure now)

just a waiting game now xx
Hi honey, I can't believe the doctors making you wait for so long. Are you testing daily? I really hope it works out for you both and doesn't drag on for too long. And no Stu I don't think your going nuts i think its an incredibly difficult situation to be in x
I know what you're saying Ema about not feeling stressed but your posts dont read like a woman who's going with the flow and neither do Stu's. You might not realise that you are stressing over this but it certainly reads like you are honey :hug:
My and my OH went thru the same thing - I was regular, and then I missed my AF, and had no BFP until I was 18 days late.
It's all just a waiting game I'm afraid hun. =/
:hug: :hug: for you both x
Still hoping it's your month Ema, lets hope you and Stu get some answers soon to stop you worrying

Big Hugs:hug:
hope you and stu gets some answers soon guys!! hope you can push for that blood test
thinking of you both xx
we have desided that we are going to wait and see, as much as its driving us ( read as me ) insane with the stress, we are going to wait as the:witch:aint come so every 2 days or so we ( read as ema lol ) are going to :test:. you could say ema is a :poas: but thats only because we are :ttc: AND PRAYING FOR A :bfp:.

Im pretty sure ema keeps saying :nopoas: to herself tho but i know she will lol.

I can only hope one o my :sperm: got off there arse and made the journey :) and bring us a :pink:..

anyway i think ive managed to use as many smileys as i can without loosing my mind so :nerner:
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