Am I doing it wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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When changing Joshua's bum, I was asked why I didn't use cream. Joshua's bum is not red or sore in the slightest bit so didn't think he needed it? This person made me feel like I was doing it all wrong. :-( Why can't people butt out.
I don't put cream on Phoebe all the time either only if she looks a bit red. Just ignore them hun. There is no need to put it on everytime if they don't need it x
I've never used it. He has never had a sore bum. Or even the slightest bit of redness.
I do use cream all the time but think its cos my mum suggested it when i had my first and its just something ive always done,

Its your choice hunni if Joshua doesnt need it why use it!

Tell them to mind their own xx
I do sometimes even if it's not sore but not every nappy change x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
I dont use it all the time only when her bum is looking a little red!
I only use it at night cos he sleeps thru
But not in the day unless he looks red.

If his bum isn't sore then u don't need to use it
I've only used cream a handful of times when it's looking a little red. Most of the time there's no need. Just ignore them - everyone does things in their own way and decides was best for their baby.
I have only put it on when necessary with mine, mainly because when I had my first baby my MW asked why I was putting cream on her bum when she wasn't red or sore - I just said that I was taught this way by other experienced mums and I thought they needed a barrier cream. She said that it wasn't necessary and something about the pampers nappies I was using already having some kind of coating in them so it wasn't necessary. I felt so stupid! So I stopped from then and only use it when necessary now, she was fine and only had bad nappy rash once when we started weaning and that was it :)
You dont need to put it on if babies are sleeping thro...i've never heard of that, I think it might be an old fashioned thing for when they used rubbish nappies & baby moves about alot?! I only use when bum is red

I only use it if her bum looks red otherwise I don't bother
Thank you everyone. Put my mind at rest. I'll ignore the person who questioned it. :)
Some people use Vaseline or similar as a barrier cream to prevent a sore bottom. I find it most useful when using washable nappies. But you don't have to, most people just use it when baby gets a sore bottom.
I haven't used anything since Chloe was around 5 weeks old and had a little nappy rash. Like you, since then she hasn't even had a hint of redness so not felt the need :)
I only put it on when Henry's bum is red. Like today where he has done about 6 presents for mummy!
I only use it at night cos he sleeps thru
But not in the day unless he looks red.

If his bum isn't sore then u don't need to use it

This is what we do, even though she only wakes once I don't change her
I just put it on every now and again for peace of mind and to help the skin a bit.

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