Am I being over-protective? (Nursery situation)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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I just went to pick up Amelia from nursery after work, when I got there the receptionist told me she was through the garden, playing. Well, when I got to the second door, I saw Amelia all red faced, crying, proper tears and screaming, mouth covered in bark. The two youngest key workers were only ones out there so my first initial thought was "Oh, shit, why is she crying?". I asked the keyworkers, and all I got was "Oh, to be honest, I think she's just tired." Then two children turned around to me and told me some kids were pushing Amelia.

I asked Amelia's keyworker and all I got was "Erm, no I don't think so." and then she occupied and distracted herself trying to look for Amelia's raincover.

Am I over-reacting? I know these kids could be telling lies making it up. And I know kids will push babies, blah blah, but still.

How would you feel?

Thanks :)
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I get its impossible to watch them all 100% of the time
I'd be more worried that they didn't even try to console her x
Don't get me wrong, I would HATE to see Rosie in that state, but I'm not sure I would take it further.

Like you said the kids might have got it wrong, and even if they hadn't, kids do push and shove each other all the time (my Rosie's been on the giving and receiving end of some good pushes!!) now I'm not saying that it should be allowed, it's just a little inevitable I suppose (depending on age of course)

Hopefully it will be a one off and it won't be an issue but if you find this is happening regularly then I would bring it up to nursery manager, just highlighting your concerns

Hope your lo is ok!! Xx
I don't know honestly. It's probably one of those things that if it was a one off I would leave it, but if I had seen it happen again or I had other concerns in general about the nursery I would raise it.

Children do play rough and what can be interpreted as pushing, shoving etc could actually be well intended on the part of the child. My nephew cries every time my son hugs him as an example.

I think I'd be more concerned that my LO was upset and not being comforted, unless its was him being naughty.
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Is your lo generally happy in the nursery? Does she look forward going there? If she does, I would leave it. Though as others said, it's worrying if she was crying and nobody was comforting her. But hopefully it was just a one off situation. X
I would be speaking to nursery manager ! If I found Oscar upset with a mouth full Of bark if be pissed. I pay for a level of care and if I don't get that - they know about it - end of

I don't let my son get in that state with me so I certainly wouldn't pay to allow that to happen with someone else
I would be speaking to nursery manager ! If I found Oscar upset with a mouth full Of bark if be pissed. I pay for a level of care and if I don't get that - they know about it - end of

I don't let my son get in that state with me so I certainly wouldn't pay to allow that to happen with someone else

I agree with bex! I would bring it up, and if I didn't im pretty sure my husband would be marching there to have a word x
I agree. I would be very angry if my daughter was left crying by the nursery staff! Even if she was crying because she was tired it is still their job to comfort her. Had they not noticed her crying until you got there?
As soon as the nursery staff saw me, they went to go tend to her and pick her up, cleaned the bark out of her mouth and passed her to me (they saw the fuming look on my face).

Shall I bring it up with the nursery manager or the other key worker (who is a lot more nicer and understanding)

Broke my heart :(
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I have been thinking to myself, there has to be a reason why she was absolutely screaming her head off, real tears.

She was just walking on her own with kids around her, nobody was tending to her.
Manager - and if you spot anything else afterwards ofsted etc
I have been thinking to myself, there has to be a reason why she was absolutely screaming her head off, real tears.

She was just walking on her own with kids around her, nobody was tending to her.

I suppose here is the deciding factor - you know your own kid best and if what you saw made you feel something wasn't right then speak to manager

Me on other hand - my child is a wuss and has full blown tears if a fly land on her, that's why if I was in your situation I would probably just think nothing of it!! Haha

I have been thinking to myself, there has to be a reason why she was absolutely screaming her head off, real tears.

She was just walking on her own with kids around her, nobody was tending to her.

I suppose here is the deciding factor - you know your own kid best and if what you saw made you feel something wasn't right then speak to manager

Me on other hand - my child is a wuss and has full blown tears if a fly land on her, that's why if I was in your situation I would probably just think nothing of it!! Haha


No, my kid don't have real tears unless she's really upset about something xx
I would most definately bring it to the managers attention!!! No way would I leave it if it we're one of my boys!!

My eldest has autism and is non-verbal so I have to be his voice. He is extremely vulnerable when he's not with me or his Daddy. I would be livid if he or his Brother we're just left to cry!! Also if it's a day nursery then the children are all very young so in my opinion (was a nursery nurse for 5 years and childminder for 9) smaller children don't tend to lie unless to get out of a situation they're in. Plus more than one child said she was push, concrete evidence in my opinion! Also whoever pushed her may do it again, not necessarily to your little girl but to others if they're not being told off for it?!

My Son is going to a special primary school from September. Along with many other factors one of our biggest reasons for this was because of how vulnerable he is to bullying (not say at all your LOis is being bullied) and he has absolutely no way of telling us what happens to him!! It terrifys me actually so being in a special school will not only help with his educational needs we both know he is very very safe!!!

I hope you get your situation resolved xx
I would definitely bring it up with manager.

It doesn't sound good enough to me
Worth finding out why it happens.. All it could be is new tods who are not that used to being in a social environment.. I've got like a non-nursery going son with no siblings and I can tell on the park which kids d either have siblings or (have been going)/go nursery compared my non having sibling son not yet going to nursery who has a habit of wanting to blatantly wants to push other kids out of it's way while the other kids on the park who seem to interact with eachother or take a bit more caution to others around seem to have siblings or go nursery or both.. I even said to my OH when we went before oh my how is he going be in nursery if he's being so dominant! But you know just food for thought worth asking at the nursery. There's always going to be something when someone else is going to look after your lo but communication is always best to get it resolved :)

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