Always hungry

Lealea I'm so glad you posted this I was starting to think there something wrong with I'm constancy starved yesterday I had pizza express for lunch I ate the whole which I have never managed ever before and then an hour later I was hungry again!! I have already put on 2stone and I'm dreading trying to loose it all but I have quite a large bump so Maybe it's all baby lol (I'm ignoring the fact her size 12s no longer fit my legs) lol

Nope I'm with u a full 100% I'm convinced I've got a hungry baby who loves food like his mum n dad.
I burst into tears at my Drs app cos I'm now 12st weight normally fluctuates between 9st 6lb and 10st 2lb......I've got a mahoosive bump. The last two times I went hospital they ask me am I due now and when I say no not until feb 20th, this look of horric disgust is written on their face :( and then I always get "oh wow ur bump is very large for 26 weeks, its just one in there right?"
It's got to the point I try hide my bump as much as possible cos I feel very self conscious about it. (don't be fooled by the avatar that was me at 14 weeks if I'm correct lol)

I have just been to a christening and saw an old friend who asked me how far gone I was when I said 27wks she was like " oh wow your going to be massive by the end" lol yea thanks for that! Ah well as long baby is healthy that's all that counts! Plus I read somewhere that its easier to push out a bigger baby! :-)
people are rude aren't they? I feel like punching people who you are hardly know when they go 'oh my god you are massive', erm, and who the fook are you?! :lol::mad:
Me too. I'm always hungry! I'm trying so hard not to eat all the time because I know I'm getting fat and I'll never get it off after the baby!!!
I've got the soft mints lol........ummm do I just eat the whole pack??? Or finish it through out the day?

( I got a 6 pack to be on the safe side lol)

Eat one pack throughout the day, I wouldn't exceed that as mint is a form of laxative. I usually eat a pack and then all is good for a few days.

I just really like my softmints at the mo... Tasty.
Guys I'm sooo pleased that other people feel like this, i eat brekkie and 20mins later i need to eat again and that basically is my day!!! Im struggling to get so much food into my system and im the same as one on of the other girls, im really hungry get my food and then can only take a few mouthfuls!!! Who said that pregnancy was glam again???
No No far all I have done is eat....I was hoping by the time I moved into here in a few days it would calm down and I would be eating less :(
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God how weird. I just put a thread up on tri 1 saying the same thing!!! If this carries on I'll be huuuuggggeee!!!xx
No No far all I have done is eat....I was hoping by the time I moved into here in a few days it would calm down and I would be eating less :(

Me too- I thought I would stop feeling starving every minute of every day! Oh well- I just have to accept I'm gonna have to work hard at the gym post baby!!!

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