is anyway always hungry?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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since i entered my second trimester i'm starving all the time all i seem to do is eat and it never goes away and when i dont manage to eat for a while i get like stomach cramps and i feel really uncomfortable. i've also noticed LO seems to kick more after i have eaten something

is anyone else having this?
I can eat a proper cooked meal and be stuffed.. ten mins later literally ten mins I'm starving. Seriously can not control the hunger. doing my head in!! glad I'm not only one tho! I'm eating lots but still not got an overly big bump yet! I'm hungry nw! but have no goodies in house I've eaten it all loooool
See I feel huge at the moment and I'm just like you I can eat a meal and then feel really huingry again straight afterwards!! Like a never ending circle
Me!! I actually get annoyed at myself for how hungry I be all the time... I had my dinner which was Bacon sandwich and chips around 20mins ago and I could easily eat another Bacon sandwich....or 2 lol... I'm so scared of the weight I've put on and am going to put on, I've always been about a size 10 in the bottom and 12 up top cuz of my big boobies lol.. my work trousers are a size 10 and absolutely busting off me, time to get a new pair me thinks lol... I have a bit of a bump but to me looks more like fat lol but it is hardened which I know it isn't just fat.. just wish when I was 'hungry' I'd go and eat an Apple, not a bag of crisps or 2 slices of toast smothered in butter :( lol xx
fruit still makes me sick so crisps it is for me lol big packet of salt n big sticks r what i eat lots of lol deffo love savoury but always have!
Its hard when i work 6 hours straight with no break, although i do pick at the children's food when its been cooked lol
Yeah I know what u mean I could eat a big bag of walkers right now! Did u know ur allowed a break afyer 4 hours when ur pregnant found that out the other day.
Yes winnie, my place of work took me into the office a few wks back and told me what I can and can't do... I work in a busy retail shop and they said no to the likes of reaching up high places for clothes and also no to lifting boxes etc and have given me a seat to sit at when I'm on tills, I normally work 4hr shifts n they said if I ever want a sit down or a bar of chocolate/drink to just let someone know and take 10mins to rest :D xxx
Yeah I had my risk assessment done at work so I now know what I can't do, I get a paid break (15 mins after 4 hours) and then a break every 4 hours to sit down and rest if I need to, I work in a busy pub so the management won't let me do half the things I used to be able to do!
I'm constantly hungry I mean all the time I can't stop myself its costing a fortune to keep me in food, and I'm not very good at eating healthy food apart from a craving for tinned pineapple xx
yeah could happily eat all d live long day and only get full for few mins between mouthful
Yeah I had my risk assessment done at work so I now know what I can't do, I get a paid break (15 mins after 4 hours) and then a break every 4 hours to sit down and rest if I need to, I work in a busy pub so the management won't let me do half the things I used to be able to do!

haha winnie yes it is great isn't it. our work portion cut in half.. i'm definatley not complaining :D
Me neither quite enjoy having all the men run round after me makes a nice change
I am always thirsty. Not so much hungry, but when I have to eat, I have to eat.

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