I aint been testing at exact the same time but would that make any difference because they say to test from 1pm up to 8pm of a evening as lh surge is supposed to be higher through out the afternoon rather than morning. But then i gets a almost positive using morning wee on cd12 so it dont make sence does it.
What confused me was, they say if you get a bfn but then a positive on the same day, then your urine must of been too diluted & not strong enough but i have been making sure i dont drink much before i do a test & make sure my urines not a diluted colour when i test. :/ I gonna bed in about 1hr LOL!!! these ovarys of mine have a mind of there own.
I cant of ovulated yet cause i wouldnt get another pink line would i ? not that strong anyway, there will always be a faint line on a opk when everyone uses them but if its clear pink & not faint then your surge is getting ready so the only thing i can think of is maybe i am having a 2nd ovulation which would make sence hmmm, 12,24hrs after the 1st positive opk which was yesterday morning ? or my ovarys was gearing up to ovulate but then went back to sleep grrr. I gonna keep testing though cause i want to see what happens next, i want to see if i get that darker than test line bfp or wether it returns to it's normal bfn again. X