All well with scan so off to Trimester 2!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
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Well after my little stress out last night we had the scan today and Baby P (just the one) is doing well and big. Got a little high 5 and was weird seeing all the little bones in his/ her hand. My mum and hubby were with me and it was lovely to finally see baby (although I will say the scan itself was quite painful, she really dug the probe in to get a good picture but I ache a bit now.)

The only surprise is that instead of measuring at the 13w 3 days that i had according to what i thought was my last period I am in fact 14w and 5 days so was over a week out! This has brought my due date forward to 13th October which is also one of our nieces Birthday.

Im a very happy mummy!
awww thats great news. So glad to hear that everything went well and that you've even moved forward more than a week - how exciting. Enjoy Tri 2 - hope to see you there in a few weeks time xxx
Congratulations!! Wonderful to hear baby is well and very exciting to be moved forward by such a big amount! Why, you're almost halfway through tri-2 already ;-) enjoy!!!

Yay! Congratulations, I bet it was a huge relief xx
Yay! Told ya! I'll be over tomorrow! Whoopee! Surely the sickness is over now! Xx
aww thats great news glad all went well xxx
wow that's a jump in weeks!! Bet you're really pleased! Good luck for Tri 2 xx
So glad al is well with bub and yay to being bought forward a week !!!

See you in Tri 2 soon - God willing

So glad all went well and baby is growing so well and fast all the best in tri2 , xx
Fantastic news you must be absolutely thrilled! good luck in tri 2 hopefully I'll be following soon! xx

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