All over the shop after scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hello everybody!
I have had a UID for the last 5 years and decided when Zi was due for replacement that I would like to have a last shot at having another baby. I have two sons, 14 & 11 and am 41. Yes, I know I'm getting on a bit but this was my last shot. I had the IUD removed in June and had what I though was my first period in just under 5 years beginning around 2nd July 2012. On 30th July I thought I'd take a gamble and took a pregancy test and to my great surprise I came back positive!! I had some light spotting in August but this subsided very quickly so I wasn't overly concerned. However, in the last few days I have had some brown discharge when wiping that turned to light bleeding gradually and on two occasions there were a couple of small clots. I was referred to my local early pregnancy unit and I went for a scan yesterday. The ultrasound picked up a sack but they couldn't see a heartbeat. By my calculations, based on LMP I should be about 8 and a half weeks pregnant. After the scanning nurse did a vaginal ultrasound and took measurenent, she said it wasn't looking good today and the embryo only measured 6 week with a 4mm fetal pole. It was looking as though it has stopped developing as there was no heartbeat. I have been booked in for another scan next Friday and the nurse that spoke to me afterwards said it was 50/50 as they take 2 weeks off my dates straight away. I am obviously going through every emotion under thesin and Friday seems a life age away but I am really confused about the dates . When they say the baby measures 6 weeks, is that 6 weeks from LMP or from conception? I got my first positive pregnancy test result on 30/07 which is almost 5 weeks ago. As I only had one period before discovering I was pregnant, I am not sure how long my cycle length is and when I would therefore have ovulated. Is the chance this is OK really 50/50 or is this just lip service? The note that the nurse has given me for my doctor says suspected failed pregnancy but scanning again in 6 days out of procedure. I have my first appointment with the midwife scheduled in for tomorrow that was booked before all this happened and thinking of going anyway in case she is able to give me straight answers. Sorry for the massive rant but I haven't really anyone else I can tell at this stage and only my husband knows ! :'(
Aw Hun I'm so sorry you are going through all this uncertainty. There is a chance at the rescan that it would be ok but they can normally see a heartbeat at that stage. It's a drawn out process so they can be sure begore goibg ahead with a procedure, but that doesn't help you. :hug:
With you just starting having period again it COULD be that you ovulated late?? You may find that everything is fine at next scan. Like DC said though they have to wait inbetween scans just to make sure before going ahead and confirming a miscarriage just incase the above scenario arises.

I know its hard, but just try to relax.

Wishing you the best of luck hunni xx
Thank you do much for your kind posts ladies. Don't feel quite so alone now! x
You are very much not alone, keep is updated xxx
Hi Dotty_woman, welcome to PF :)
I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through - I had a similar experience to you in July. I got my 1st BFP in June and mid July I started spotting. I went for an early scan and they said the baby was the size expected for about 6 1/2 weeks, but there was no heartbeat. Because it was still early days I had to go back a week later for a 2nd scan which confirmed the heart had stopped around the time I had my 1st scan :-(
When you have your 1st scan I think they date you from when you conceived. Prior to the scan they date you from the 1st day of your last period. I hope ive got that right, I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.

I really really hope you get good news next week at your 2nd scan - In the meantime take care of yourself and rest up.
You are welcome to PM me if you need to chat. BTW, I am 40 years old so similar age to you :) xxx
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Hey honey, Im sorry that you have had to go through this it really is the worst time. You are definetly not alone as there are a lot of lovely strong ladies in here who have had to go through a similar situation. I really hope that it is good news for you at your re-scan!
Thank you for your posts Katkin72 and Laurat! I am really sorry to hear about your loss Katkin72, and thank you for sharing your experience with me. I hope you will have good news again soon. Whilst I am trying to be optimistic, I am preparing myself for the worst but expect it will be a long week! :( x
You're welcome - it actually helps me too by talking about my experience :)
The week in between my 1st & 2nd scan seemed to really drag - it was horrible being stuck in limbo :-(
Sending love & hugs xxx
I dont want to risk overly getting your hopes up. But I went in for a scan 1 week after getting my positive test when I thought I should have been around 7/8 weeks. When they did it, they couldnt find anything there at all. Nothing!

I went back just 2 days later to a friend of mine who is an OBGYN and she found a yolk sack and gestational sack measuring 4.5 weeks. I am now 10 weeks and doing fine. So obviously my cycle length was off and must have ovulated much later than I thought. I know the exact day of my last period, but it didnt add up from then.

I hope you go back and all is well and they find a heartbeat! Dont loose hope or stress too much right now (easier said than done I know)
Thank you Millylillyrose,
I don't hold out much hope but your story is proof that things can change. Thank you! xxx
Unfortunately my scan today showed that the embryo had shrunk and this is now the end of my pregnancy. Thank you to everyone that has offered support during this difficult time. I think it's time to let nature take it's course! Onwards and upwards! xxx
I'm so sorry the scan confirmed what you had thought :-( sending love & hugs xxx
So sorry to read this. I've had 3 losses - each after a period of time of not trying to conceive. Each time the next pregnancy has gone well. I wonder at times if it's my body having a practice run (though it's no comfort at the time). Big hugs xx
Thanks Darcy, your post gives me some hope. However the process is emotionally draining and I'm not sure how I will feel if the same thing happens again. It would probably be nature's way of telling me to call it a day. xxx
Sorry to hear this Dotty Woman, it's not a nice thing to go through. Hugs :hugs: I hope you get another chance and next time it's a sticky xxx

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