all day nausia but not being sick?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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All day today and a bit yesterday I have felt like I want to be sick, but I feel like if I am sick it will just be water, ev even though I have eaten propperly. The only time I don't feel like this is when I'm eating but as soon as I'm finished or inbetween mouthfuls I feel like I want to be sick. I feel like if I am sick I will feel better, but as I haven't been sick I don't know. Is this normal and how long does it last for? Today I haven't wanted to do anything as I've felt so rough :-(
Afraid this is normal hun :( just another lovely variation of 'morning sickness'. The main thing is that you are still eating and drinking fluid. It should pass as you near the end of your first trimester. Hope you feel better soon xx
I had constant nausea for the whole of tri one, I couldn't eat though as I have a phobia of vomiting was hell! Hope it passes quickly for you x

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I had this the whole way through Tri 1 it started disappearing around week 13/14 and since then it's been normal :)
yep me too I had it until I would say about 12 weeks its awful feeling sick and i will admit I did make myself sick a couple of times and when I was sick without forcing myself it always made me feel better. I couldnt really think about eating proper meals it was junk food I was going for things I knew wouldnt take much effort to eat an I knew tyhey would stay back to eating proper meals though the junk food is still there though not as main meals xx
i have nausea on and off im ok if i eat or drink small amounts im hoping its just the surge of preg hormone in my body and it will ease off cos i have a fear of beeing sick :-s xx
All day today and a bit yesterday I have felt like I want to be sick, but I feel like if I am sick it will just be water, ev even though I have eaten propperly. The only time I don't feel like this is when I'm eating but as soon as I'm finished or inbetween mouthfuls I feel like I want to be sick. I feel like if I am sick I will feel better, but as I haven't been sick I don't know. Is this normal and how long does it last for? Today I haven't wanted to do anything as I've felt so rough :-(

Sadly I have the exact same feeling as you.... I keep retching and when go to be sick all i bring up is acidy water (again, even if i have just eaten) I feel like i need a good purge but it just won't happen. I have tried everything - travel bands, ginger in a variety of forms, eating little and often, eating loads (even a large pizza didn't settle my stomach for long!), taking a tablet.... I was going to try to go back to work today but its just getting worse not better. Back to the doctors tomorrow as I've had enough and want to try a different medication (been off work 5 weeks now and man am i getting bored!!)

I hope you find some relief from it soon and just keep telling yourself it'll all be worth it in the end!XX
Totally sympathise..I didn't suffer from sickness in my pregnancy :(..Hope it gets better for you soon :)

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