Hungry all the time?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I'm only 6 weeks pregnant but have noticed in the last few days that I am constantly hungry and it is an intense hunger that I've never felt before which makes me feel really sick. I keep eating snacks which makes me feel a bit better for a bit but then not long after I am absolutely starving again! I can't keep eating the whole day because I'll be the size of an elephant by the end of the pregnancy! Does anyone else feel like this?
I know exactly what you're talking about! I've been trying to explain to my husband how I can eat a full meal, and within 20-30 minutes, I feel like I am absolutely STARVING. If I don't eat, then I start feeling incredibly ill, so I just can't win. I'd really like to gain less than 100 lbs on my first pregnancy...... ;)
Yes! I'm constantly hungry! I used to have 2 slices of toast for breakfast and it would see me right through to lunch time, but now I'm starving 30 mins later! I'm not usually a 'snacker' at all but recently I've been snacking between meals!
I'm being very good with what I snack on and in general about what I eat, but my belly is huge! I look like I'm 4 or 5 months pg and I'm by no means a big girl! I'm starting to worry that there might be more than one in there!!

P.S. I'm worried that I'll be found out at work too! I have 3 weeks left before the Xmas/Summer holidays so I need to keep this belly down as much as possible!
Thanks for your feedback girls! It makes me a feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one feeling like this - I was starting to think there was something really wrong with me!

I guess the only thing we can do to try and keep the weight gain down as much as possible is to snack as healthily as possible and to try and get some exercise in there too even when we're feeling yuk!

Good luck Lucia with work not finding out you're pregnant - my colleagues have already guessed!!

This was the first sign for me that morning sickness was gonna kick in hardcore.. Sorry girls :P
This is my third and I have never been this hungry, I dont feeel sick if I dont eat I just feel like I am gonna pass out but have been feeling really faint anyway. This pregnancy is so so different then before so am also worrying about the possibility of twins! This time round all I want is savoury too, I usually like sweet! Have you noticed any different tastes yet?
Tasha x
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I keep getting this intense hunger that comes on from nowhere; like I've not eaten ALL day as opposed to an hour before. For e.g. I had a huge plate & chilli & rice for dinner; an hour later I am eating a huge bag of cheddars... I am a piglet x
I was the same though thank god its eased now at 22 weeks x
I get like this - if I don't eat straight away I feel really sick.

I went though that and at 10 weeks still have a big appetite.. am loving mash potato at the minute; I think it does ease of some though, give it another couple of weeks and you won't be so ravenous lol xxx
I am exactly the same, it my day off today and i have been snacking all day!!! it is really silly!!!!!!!

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