Alcohol free beer


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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before i found out i was pregnant, i was going out every weekend and drinkin god knows how much. i also smoked 15-20 cigarettes a day.

ive managed to stop smoking completely, and i havent touched a drink yet.
but i bought some alcohol free beer yesterday, a pack of 6, and i had 4 of them.
they've got 0.05% alcohol in. will this be safe?
Hi Kim,
I think you'll be fine.....they have only just changed the advice to no drinking, it used to be a unit a week (or was it a unit a day :think: ) they are always changing stuff.
I think you are being responsible in buying alcohol free beer - is it any good?
I used to have the odd shandy (I know.....whoopee doo :wink: ) made with full fat lager - as that was within the advice guidleines at the time, so I doubt having 4 bottles of alcohol free will be a problem.
Congrats on your pg :D
I was sceptical about alcohol-free beer and the new 2% stuff that carling etc are bringing out.

One of my concerns is, if it's alcohol-free then they must be putting something else in to make it taste authentic - ie lots of chemicals.

But I tried a bottle of alcohol-free Becks at the weekend. By law German beer must only contain natural ingredients, and all it has in it is barley, yeast, hops and water.

And it actually tasted pretty good! I thought it was a little more bitter than regular lager, but I could quite happily drink it in a sunny beer garden. I love a beer on a hot day so was mighty pleased with that discovery.

My problem with soft drinks is that I don't really like anything too sweet. But I've got into lime and soda, also orange and soda or a britvic orange topped up with tap water in a pint glass and loads of ice is good.

Happy drinking! And congrats on stopping smoking. I have to admit that I'm planning on having the occasional half pint or two, or glass of wine later on in my pregnancy. The new guidelines are to remove confusion over what is a "safe" amount. Call me reckless... but I'm pregnant, I don't need to wear a hair shirt as well! And as for Gillian McKeith-style dietary advice... :moon:
yeah i got the six bottles from asda for £3.75 for 6.
i love the taste of a cold beer in summer n i dont know how im gonna cope all summer!! lol
but these taste great, just like the real thing so im happy :lol: lol
Have you tried alcohol free wine? Eisberg isn't bad, they do a Rose version and if you have it nice and cold you can almost kid yourself it's the real thing!
Cobra alcohol free beer is really nice.

Why not try alchhol free wine? its nice asnd i dont fee left out when MIL has a drink
i dont like wine. not at all :puke:
lol im a lager lout!
4 of them is 0.20% so i dont think thats gonna harm your lil one. its the people drinking more than they should thats why they brought that in to us pregnant women not to drink. i havnt drank on this pregnancy anyway. think thats another thing they look for when u goto scan. see if babys jumping as in alc intake.not sure if cigs make bbay jump just think its cause of asthma init? plus gets into bbays lungs tooo think not sure lol

i would be ok then our alc free beer has 2% i think but if i want a treat i go for caffine like a coca cola treat.
Having conducted extensive research :wink: I can confirm Becks is the most authentic tasting alcohol-free beer. If you really want to live life on the edge you can have a lemonade with pieces of fruit and mint and cucumber in it with just the tiniest splash of Pimms - just enough to turn the lemonade a slightly darker colour, and pretend you're drinking the real thing. I really know how to live :lol: .
I've been given the tip off that you can get alcohol free cider!! A friend at work said that their mum got it from Lidl. I've never heard of it but definately going to get some, I miss cider badly.
I know they say that the new guidelines are that you should steer clear of alcohol totally but I think it's to cover their backs really. It is just for those who binge drink and really get hammered, especially spirits and that. One or two glasses is fine, my mum thinks it's really funny what they say you can and can't do now 'It was different in my day'. But then in those days people weren't suing everyone left, right and centre if anything goes wrong!
There is alcohol free pear cider in Wetherspoons - Kopparberg - they have normal alcoholic cider too, so you have to specify you want the non alcoholic one which has the red stripe on the label.

According to my OH, non alcoholic becks apparently tastes the same as normal becks, though I didn't drink becks before so i can't compare.

There is also Kaliber which is in some pubs, and for sale in Asda it's in silver bottles/cans. Apparently this is a weaker tasting lager, compared to becks which is quite strong tasting.


Schloer is good as pretend wine :)
My OH said about it being apple juice too LOL!! He said to stick to the cider lollies.
I tried the no alcohol Becks last night, it's quite nice. Kaliber is horrible though tastes like dishwater (not that I've drunk that either!).
There is also some stuff a bit like Schloer called Ame that's nice too.

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