AJ is still screaming!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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After every feed he will scream for 2-3 hours. Hes exhausted, we are exhausted and I am so stressed and emotional. What can I do??? If he goes to sleep he is moaning and groaning in his sleep, if I can calm him to the point where he is in my arms he sounds full of mucus in his throat its rumbling and grumbling when he breaths and a couple of times he has stopped breathing for a couple of secs. He looks in so much pain bless him. I just don't know what to do anymore.
I remember your other threads about this. You poor thing!

I understand completely how you feel!

I had the exact same problem and in the end I changed her to soya milk and this solved it!

Can you ask your doctor to test for lactose intolerance? It's really easy to do and atleast you can rule that out if it isn't. X
we had him on wysoy but the dr said to go back to normal when he prescribed the ranitidine. Now we have had to stop the ranitidine cos he is allergic to it do you think I should try the wysoy again?
Ask your doctor for Aptamil Pepti or Nutrimigen (sp?)
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Thats a shame, i've been there too.

Def go back to docs asap. When the ranitidine didn't work for us, we got omezrapole, which seems to be working. Also we're on Nutrimigen formula for suspected cows milk allergy....soya milk still has cows milk in it so even though it might be better for tummies it wont help with a cows milk allergy/lactose intollerance.

My LO's acid reflux was classed as severe due to blue spells/breathing probs ect...i'm sure you're LO's would fall under that category too, due to breathing issues. I had to actually go to A&E at childrens hosp to get diagnosed.

I wouldn't change the milk until your LO has been tested to be honest. They can only test if he remains on the cows milk. I'd ring up your doctors and ask for the test. It's nothing that will stress your LO
out though so don't worry. They just take a sample of his poop. X
You cant buy cows milk free formula from the shops it has to be prescription so your doc would probs test anyway, mines didn't tho, just went by symptoms, but we had to try every med first before he would let me

It does sound to be related to his food. I put cam on wysoy but not sure if it was the right thing to do or not - he's seeing the dietician on Friday, but he's like a different child since I put him on it. Don't really know what else to suggest x
i would hunni take him to AnE if he has stopped breathing for a few, do it just to be safe x x x keep us updated x x x
Leanne took AJ to a&e last night. Hope everything is ok sweetie :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies we have been told to put AJ back on gaviscon and have been prescribed Domperidone and Omeprazole. They all so made us a appointment for the pediatrician next week so that was useful. Gonna get his meds started but the midnight pharmacist din't have any of them and said they have to be ordered so gonna order them today and the will probably come tomorrow. Still gonna have a tough few days to go then. lol. Any experience of these ladies? How long do they take to work?
I take Omeprazole Capsules and it works almost instantly for me, I don't know if it's the same for babies?
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Oh bless him :( and you too Hun. Really hope this helps xx
Hi ladies we have been told to put AJ back on gaviscon and have been prescribed Domperidone and Omeprazole. They all so made us a appointment for the pediatrician next week so that was useful. Gonna get his meds started but the midnight pharmacist din't have any of them and said they have to be ordered so gonna order them today and the will probably come tomorrow. Still gonna have a tough few days to go then. lol. Any experience of these ladies? How long do they take to work?

When you get some and if the meds work get a pharmacy to deliver them every month for you hunny, they'll collect the prescription from your gp and it will save you being under pressure to rush out and get them if your arthritis is bad. I would assume it would be a free service for a baby and if you explain you can't always get about very well xxxxxxxxx
H has Domperidone and this one took atleast 6 days to kick in xxx
They can take up to 2 weeks to work hun but didnt for my lo as he has cows milk protein allergy

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We tried omezrapole, still isn't working, had it weeks. Good luck tho

Hi ladies we have been told to put AJ back on gaviscon and have been prescribed Domperidone and Omeprazole. They all so made us a appointment for the pediatrician next week so that was useful. Gonna get his meds started but the midnight pharmacist din't have any of them and said they have to be ordered so gonna order them today and the will probably come tomorrow. Still gonna have a tough few days to go then. lol. Any experience of these ladies? How long do they take to work?

my daughter was on them from 2 weeks old but instead of omerprazole she had randitine, they took 2 dosages to start working thats all, to help them completely it is different for everyone it took just over 6 months beofre my daughter could come off the meds x x x
Dont know if this will help but when my little one started screaming after feeding at a few weeks old we took him to an out of hours dr and they prescribed a formula View Full-Size Image
Pregestimil LIPIL

called View Full-Size Image
Pregestimil LIPIL

Progestimil. We then took a poo sample in for testing to see if he was lactose intollerant or allergic to anything else in the regular formula.
The progestimil worked almost immediately and although it gave him very runny green poo his tummy was fine after feeds.
My GP prescribed the formula for me while we were waiting for the results and it was free. The test took about a month to come back due to xmas/nyear and when it did it didnt show any lactose intollerance.They didn't test for anything else as aparently the lactose test is really easy. GP said to try regular formula again and we did with no adverse reaction. I think it was probably a bit of severe colic and that month or so on the special formula allowed his gut to mature that little bit so he grew out of it.
A friend of mines baby has terrible colic and they gave her allsorts of drugs for her baby and it hasn't helped but Cow &Gate comfort milk did a little.
I dont think soya based formula is recommended before 6 monthe and I guess this is only going to helpif you're formula or mixed feeding.
I hope whatever you try in the hend works as its horrible knowing your little one's in pain and there's nothing you can do
n x

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