Agnus Castus


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I've recently started talking agnus castus as I've read it helps to regulate your cycles. My last period was on the 29th September and before that I'd not had one since I came off the pill last October.

I just wondered if anyone else has used it to regulate cycles and if it worked? Also how long did u take them for before it did anything?

Any advice is appreciated
Hi Amber,

Mmm depends on dosage that will regulate it. You seem to have really long gaps between cycles, have the docs prescribed you anything for that?

It's good to take AC but not if you are taking any fertility drugs like clomid.

You can take it up to ovulation or through cycles. I take between 1000-1500 a day until OV (or when u think OV is due).

Cycles are messed up after coming off the contraceptive but yours sounds more irregular than usual, good luck taking AC!xxx

I take 1600 AC a day, I'm not taking any fertility drugs. Doctors have given me drugs about 4 months ago to try & kick start my periods but it didn't work.

I had a MC in Feb, so coming off the pill & my MC seems to have messed my cycles up. My period at the end of Sept was my first period since my MC.

hi amber

i just started taking it on saturday as my cycles have been all over the place since having mirena removed - keep in touch with how you get on

clara x
Hi! Iv started to take it this month, im only taking 800mg a this not enough? Im also taking the pregnacare conceive tablets and EPO so didnt want to take to much of the AC but maybe I should up the dosage a little?
Only up the dosage if your cycles are quite irregular otherwise it will throw it the other way. It takes appox 3 months to get into your system.

If your quite regular or have long cycles take AC&EPO to ovulation. You can tale it throughout but really if your cycles come then there's no need. Xx

Amber-sounds like you have very long cycles and although mc can throw off cycles yours seems very long.
I mc'd august, before that my AF was feb 11 and nov 10. I spotted in Oct 11 but no blood just brown cm, very frustrating! I have endo which is the main cause, have they done to ensure it's something underlying causing you to have irregular periods not the mc itself? What did they give you to try and bring on AF?xx
Sunbeam, they gave me Northesterone (not sure if spelling correct). It's taken to stop a period & then after the 10 day course u have a bleed. I had blood tests done to check my hormones, thyroid amongst other things. All came back fine, but I did have a high hormone so I had an ultrasound to check for PCOS, which I don't have. But they said my ovaries are fine & they said everything is perfectly normal. Just keep telling me my body is just taking time to get back to normal, which seems to be forever.

So sorry to hear about your mc too.

What is endo, if u don't mind me asking?
Sorry it's endometriosis, I had a scabn in 2001 which picked up pcos (never had symptoms though) then a laporoscopy in 2007 which picked up endometriosis. After the mc there was no sign of pcos on the scan but I still have endo & symptoms for that such as irregular periods, painful ovulation and daily cramps, hurts to go to the loo etc during times of AF.

I haven't heard of nothersterone but I'm still learning medical drugs. Mmm you could try and push for more tests to make sure tubes are not blocked and there are no adhesions or try the natural route. Previously I took:
Agnus castus (1500 daily)
Dong Quai (promotes blood flow)
12 sessions of acupuncture
Folic acid & omega 3 mum to be tablets
Royal jelly (good for uterus strengthening& healthy eggs)
Propolis (bee pollen good for endo)

Someone suggested accupressure which is something I might start in the new I take:
Agnus castus (to ovulation but I dint know when I ovulate so it's a guess)
EPO (up to ovulation)
Baby aspirin (apparently helps to prevent mc for those who have already mc'd)
Vitamin b complex (all cycle but does give bright urine!)
Royal jelly (all cycle)
Bee pollen (all cycle)

I have to go back in the new year to see doc if nothing has happened. I find stress really affects my cycles, I did my pgce 8 years ago and I had no AF for over a year. Had a stressful 12 months recently and I think it hasn't helped my current AF flow.

Might be worth trying accupuncture but although I have done it myself I'm sure a bit if it is mind over matter with your body, I'm sure the more pressure I out on myself the more it stays away!good luck xx
Hey butterfly :) if your cycles are long from 30-40 days take 1200 a day to ovulation and your cycles may shorten. I'm no doctor but very excited today as I have AF!!!!! So pleased which means my cycles have come down if I count from last nov it's gone from 102 days, 90 days (then mc), 48 days now 36 so hope my body is finally getting it's act together!xxx
Hey butterfly :) if your cycles are long from 30-40 days take 1200 a day to ovulation and your cycles may shorten. I'm no doctor but very excited today as I have AF!!!!! So pleased which means my cycles have come down if I count from last nov it's gone from 102 days, 90 days (then mc), 48 days now 36 so hope my body is finally getting it's act together!xxx
Excellent....I bet you are over the moon! :)

Well over that last 4-5 months my periods have been all over the place (between 21 and 42 days) so hoping the AC will regulate them more to 28 days :) then I will have a bit of a more idea when I should be OV! x
Hey butterfly :) if your cycles are long from 30-40 days take 1200 a day to ovulation and your cycles may shorten. I'm no doctor but very excited today as I have AF!!!!! So pleased which means my cycles have come down if I count from last nov it's gone from 102 days, 90 days (then mc), 48 days now 36 so hope my body is finally getting it's act together!xxx
Excellent....I bet you are over the moon! :)

Well over that last 4-5 months my periods have been all over the place (between 21 and 42 days) so hoping the AC will regulate them more to 28 days :) then I will have a bit of a more idea when I should be OV! x
Thanks i am so pleased!

I don't know when I Ov, I always get dark lines on opks I have discovered so when I had brown spotting in October I took the AC&EPO full on for 15 days then only took 500mg of AC after that since and treated it as a regular cycle.

You could keep taking AC through this cycle till next AF then from there only take AC for around 14-16 days and see if that works? It's trial by error. Some ladies are sensitive to AC I seem to be now but I have been taking it since may.

When is your AF roughly due?xx
Well my period was always 28 days each month but then in July I went on holiday and didnt have my next period for 42 days - I just thought it must of been the heat, drinking being know so didnt worry about it to much but since then iv been all over the place what is totally mental as me and my Oh planned to start trying after the holiday!!

Last month was 36 days and i got my positive (on Clear Blue Fertility Monitor) on days 19 and 20 so had a 16 day L phase what I was really pleased about, im now on cd 19 (on 2 month) but not got any signs of OV yet. :( even though have been taking AC (only 800mg so might put it up to 1200 like you advised) x
Hi sunbeam,

Really good news about ure AF sounds like ure body may be getting back to normal, it must be a huge relief. I'm currently taking folic acid, vitamin B, E, C & zinc and AC. I've never heard of having acupuncture tho to help with ure cycles. I'm going back to the docs on the new year if no AF by then. Will keep taking my basal temperature until then, find that helps me.

Good luck ladies!

Butterfly-the AC will hopefully help but the clear blue monitor is good, are you using opks to check along with the blue monitor?

Amber- I used to chart bbt but quickly worked out that working shifts really throws off my bbt! But I did chart it when I had my bfp last time and looking back I could clearly see temp going up and staying up.

Hope AF comes for you!

I didnt think I would get AF this year so really pleased and hoping it will be more regular so I can gave a chance at another bfp :) xxx
Good luck ladies!

Butterfly-the AC will hopefully help but the clear blue monitor is good, are you using opks to check along with the blue monitor?

Amber- I used to chart bbt but quickly worked out that working shifts really throws off my bbt! But I did chart it when I had my bfp last time and looking back I could clearly see temp going up and staying up.

Hope AF comes for you!

I didnt think I would get AF this year so really pleased and hoping it will be more regular so I can gave a chance at another bfp :) xxx
Thanks Sunbeam638

Iv just stared using OPK (started 2 days ago) and I find them really awkward! I dont think I can see a second line but i look at it for so long i imagined a very very light on yesterday LOL x

FX your periods will be more regular from now on hun :) x

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