Agnus Castus - results


Jun 18, 2012
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I am 33, overweight and have PCOS. My husband and I stopped using condoms in May 2011 with the intention of conceiving but, to date, it hasn't happened. I always had irregular periods/long cycles (38-46 days long), but after February 2012, I didn't have a period for three months and felt bloated, unwell and generally crap the entire time.

I came across agnus castus by accident and ordered some. Wouldn't you know it, the day after I ordered it, my period arrived naturally on May 8! When my period finished, I began taking Agnus Castus 1000mg once a day. For the first two weeks, I seemed to suffer headaches in the evening, but I persevered.

I found I was generally quite calm and uplifted other than the headaches, and the week before my period came, when I would usually be in b*tchy mode, I was calm and happy. I also didn't suffer the stomach cramps I normally would, which was a great relief.

With much surprise, my period came exactly one month after the last one on 8 June! I don't think that's happened for years! Also, my period used to be very very heavy with a lot of clots (sorry for the overshare) and I found it was lighter with less clots. I wasn't sure if I was meant to take the tablets while I was menstruating but since I'd had good results so quickly, I continued taking the one tablet daily.

Whether this can be attributed to the agnus castus or not, something else I have noticed is that I seem to have an increased sex drive and I no longer crave sugar (I have been a dedicated cake fan for a long time!), so that's got to be good too.

My mum said she heard that it can aid in weight loss - I can't comment on that, because after three months of being bloated and sore, I went down a dress size anyway once my period restarted and it looks to me to have stayed the same.

I have hormonal hair growth on my face (chin area) and do a daily check-and-pluck and I haven't noticed any difference in hair growth (slowing/stopping) since taking this, though I have only been on it a month, so we'll see.

I started this thread, because when I was trying to find out about people's experiences using this herbal supplement, often they posted when they started taking it, but I couldn't find follow-up posts to say how they'd got along with it.

Time will tell whether this helps conception, but for now, I'm just really pleased with all that HAS improved :) I think it's a natural wonder-drug and have been recommending it to friends/family with irregular periods, PMT, menopause.

Any questions welcome.
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I've read about people giving it a go, and have wondered if I should too? I get so arsey before my period is due, and I suffer quite badly for the first three days of it with cramps etc. My cycles seem to range from 34 days right up to 47 days. I have no idea why. I have a GP appointment in a couple of weeks to discuss it.
Hiya MrsD :)

I'm struggling to recall anyone that tried AC and kept on it for very long. I'm sure some people have positive effects at first but they quickly disappeared :(

I'm glad it seems to be working for you though but I'm wondering if you have PCOS if you have done the whole clomid thing yet?
I have been taking Agnus Castas for 6 months now. It has not got me pregnant yet but I do feel generally better on it. I always had reg periods and I am normal weight but I went to see a nutritionist and she gave it to me. Since then I have been feeling so much better. My skin is also amazingly clear although I am not sure whether this is new regime and mineral make up I am using. I cannot say better things about it really. I do know that the minute you find out you are pregnant you must stop taking it so bear that in mind.
good luck!!
Gizzy x
I haven't tried Clomid. A few years back, I asked the doctor for Metformin, because I had heard that it helps with weight and hormonal hair growth. It was awful! The first time I tried it, I had the worst diarrhoea I've ever had in my life, and it was Christmas Day. It lasted for 4 or 5 days so that put me off. The following year, I was housesitting over Christmas, so I tried it for a month. I found that it still gave me an upset stomach (even though I was having it with food) and I felt generally down, lost libido... so I packed it in.

Whenever I bring it up with GPs, they generally fob it off and say there's not much you can do apart from losing weight and then your periods *should* naturally regulate themselves etc. I'm not going down the route of jumping onto prescription medication and one of the reasons I wanted to try this was because it was herbal rather than chemical.

Titch85, I recommend it for helping with moods/cramps associated with your period, even if you give it a try for two months (which I think is the general amount you get in one jar of capsules). I also went for the 1000mg option and have the capsule with my lunch, because there are a lot of lower-strength versions out there, which you have to take more than once a day, and I figured I could use the herbal kick up the butt since my cycle seemed so out of kilter.

I don't plan on taking it long-term, but at least till either a) pregnancy occurs or b) cycle seems regulated enough to stop taking it :)

I started taking Agnus Castus but I found it gave me really severe head aches :(.

But i've been off it now for about 1 month and i've still continued to have these headaches so I'm guessing they are not related.

Therefore I am going to go an buy some more on next pay day. I am too overwieght and suffer from PCOS. It's such a nightmare...I don't have regular periods never have...but I am hoping I will. I've also heard in a few places now that Soy/Soya can help stimulate ovulation. Which is great for me, as I am lactose intolerant so this is what i generally have instead of milk. So this is deffo on my shopping list for more now.

I also take Metformin 3000g a day I take but I do have to be REALLY careful of what I eat.

X x
After I tried Metformin the second time, my doctor told me that it's not very effective in reducing symptoms of PCOS (i.e. weight gain, acne, hirsutism) so I've never bothered with it. Agnus Castus is meant to fix the cause of the problem by causing your body to regulate its hormone production levels, so this in itself should address the symptoms associated with overproduction of hormones (e.g. increased production of androgens and also insulin resistance). At least that's what I've gleaned from reading up on it... Time will tell! Now if only I could pry my husband away from the Euro football and into the bedroom!!! :P
I tried AC (also on metformin tho) in my last natural try before IVF and I caught :) So wether it was the AC, or combernation of Metformin and AC I'll never know.

(had 5 failed clomid attempts)

Good luck in your BFP hun.

ps I lost 4 stone in weight once on Metformin and periods started to become less regular but I DO have insulin resistance due to my PCOS.
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I started taking Agnus Castus but I found it gave me really severe head aches :(.

I forgot to mention that the headaches were really bad, all evening/night for the first two weeks (I was taking the tablet at 12.00pm every day) but they did stop after that. I don't know why it causes headaches... I'm guessing it's something to do with a change in hormones or something? Everyone's different though, and it's just a matter of finding what works for ya :)
Hi There

I found your post very interesting.I am over weight too and have been on angus cactus and evening primrose oil for a while now.My cycles are regular however my period is light.

Just wondering have you managed to concieve yet?

Hi Mrsdarling.

I took AC in tincture form, 5ml per day everyday for 3 months. Like Gizzy, I saw a real difference in my skin and felt generally 'good' - no PMT etc. I started taking it as I was waiting for my IVF apt and just thought 'why not?', thinking maybe it will give me a bfp before we get to the appointment!

I only came off it this month as we are starting treatment next cycle and I know you're not supposed to take it when you're on others drugs (including clomid). I was a bit worried that coming off it had messed up my cycle as I didn't see a positive opk this month... but now I think I probably just missed it somehow (maybe drinking too much water?!) as my peropd came on time as per usual. I do miss it though as my skin has definitely had some hormonal breakouts this month.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience. Lots of luck with xx
Hi There

I found your post very interesting.I am over weight too and have been on angus cactus and evening primrose oil for a while now.My cycles are regular however my period is light.

Just wondering have you managed to concieve yet?


Well, I had been taking it since May 2012 and my periods were regular, so in November, I decided maybe I didn't need it any more and gradually stopped taking it (by missing a day here, two days there and just stopping). Well, I got the headaches back and ended up having a late period with the worst headache and stomach cramp combination I'd had in a very very long time! So the next day I started taking it every day again, and the headaches stopped.

Now I have no idea where my period has disappeared to. I use a period-tracking app on my phone which calculates your period dates, fertile dates and ovulation dates based on the info you enter. It now says I'm 13 days overdue (and says "Pregnant?") and i'm five days away from my next ovulation.

I did a preg test yesterday though and it was negative :( so I'm really really unsure what's happened. Perhaps messing with my dosage in November has thrown my cycle out more than I expected.

I have always said if I was not pregnant by the age of 35, then I wouldn't have children because I wouldn't want to be an older parent unable to run around with them etc. I'm 35 in July, and I'm moving overseas in a month and it'll take possibly 3-6 months before my husband has a visa approved to join me, so it's not looking too good on that front.

I'll keep up with the AC so that I have regular periods though, because the bloating I get when I don't have a regular menstruation is horrendous.

Hope all of you are having better luck - it's a new year, so dream big! :)
I took AC in April 2011 as I averaged 1-2 cycles a year. I had a bfp June 2011 then mcd but continued to take it along with pregnacare, propolis & royal Jelly and had a bfp January 2012.

I didn't find any side affects from it but I treated it as though I had a normal cycle so would take it for cd 1-11 then baby aspirin cd 12-28 and kept doing this. I have pcos & endo(mild) lap in 2007. I was due to take metformin. xxx
Ps don't take AC with any fertility drugs (I did lots of research on this) it can counter act your treatment so best stick with one or the other iykwim xxx
I took it to help regulate my cycles as after my 2 mcs my cycles were all over the place... i had no side effects at all and fell pregnant after taking it for just over 3 months x

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