Agnus Castus Question


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Hi girls

This is the first time I've ventured in here as we're not ttc just yet, but I have a couple of questions I hope someone might be able to help with...

I started taking agnus castus a few months back to try and help rebalance my hormones after having my son, I'm BFing and loads of hair kept falling out and a woman in H&B said to take agnus castus and that it's safe to use during BFing. I gave it a couple of months and didn't really notice any difference so I stopped taking it about 2 weeks ago.

Since then I've had a right dicky tummy a few times, once with green poo lol tmi sorry, I googled green poo and saw it can be hormonal so assumed it was the agnus castus coming out of my system.

Also, we dtd twice since last period with no protection and now my period is really late. I've done a couple of cheapie tests and all negative so I bought a clear blue digital and still negative, but I didn't use my FMU.

So my questions are:

1. Can agnus castus mess your menstrual cycle up at all?
2. Can a clear blue give a negative if pregnancy is only a couple weeks in and didn't use FMU?

Thanks for your help in advance.

well I know that you can get a negative clearblue when you are pregnant. I got them when I was pregnant with my son. In the end I got a BFP on a boots cheapie when I was a week late.

No idea about the hormones/agnus castus though, hope someone can help!
Thank you for your reply. I've never been late before except when pregnant with Oz, and I didn't get a bfp til I was a week late, first test I was 1 day late and it was negative.

I'm so confused, I wanted to be pregnant, then when faced with it felt it was too soon, then soon as the bfn came up i felt gutted lol

If no period by the morning will test again, have another clear blue and a tesco 2 pack to use still lol

it's hard being a woman lol xxx
tell me about it. Its a bloomin rollercoaster, Ive been there last month!! AF turned up in the end, but like you, Im never late :roll: Hope you get what you want, although Im pretty sure whatever happens youll be able to find a bright side :)
Oh god yeah defo have a bright side either way. BFP we get a baby (fingers x!), BFN I still got time to get more back in shape lol If I can stop eating sweets that is, they are my downfall these days and I haven't ran for a week. Naughty lol

Plus my LO is only 7.5 months and really I need to focus on him, he's my whole worlld and i love him soooo much :love:

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