Agnus castus- anyone tried?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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I have PCOS an have heard this is good to encourage ovulation... has anyone tried it or know anymore info about it?


I've heard of it, don't know a great deal about it but would be interested to find out more.

I required clomid when I last fell pregnant. So would try something like this to help this time round

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I've started angnus castus (aka vitex) this cycle. I don't have PCOS but I have a short luteal phase, so i'm hoping that vitex along with other supplements will help with that.

During my reseach on vitex, I wasn't looking at PCOS specifically (as it wasn't relevant for me) - but from memory, it as mixed results. One scientific review is here: - it found good outcomes for regulation of ovulation and increased fertility in PCOS. This website cautions against vitex for PCOS where LH is too high

Of cause, I think seeking medical advice from your FS would be worthwhile and doing your research to see if it would suit you. Perhaps you could ask on the fertility issues section of forums for people's experiences using vitex for PCOS?

Best of luck :)
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Hi Sheena, it is supposed to be very effective, I took it for a few months to try and prevent pre AF spotting but it didn't work but I don't have PCOS - it is however a very powerful thing so don't just take it without advice, and if you do, it should only be taken for a maximum of 3 months - if you don't see any results don't use it anymore.

If you want any more advice on it, it would be worth seeing a holistic therapist that specializes in fertility, your doctor will likely not have a clue but they will and can advise you on usage. My fertility acupuncturist was who gave it to me x good luck! x
Can any of you ladies recommend and fertility supplements to me? It sounds like you may have some experience with them.

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