After the birth the effects on your body?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I am getting close to my due date now and have begun to think about what happen afterwards ie to my body ive heard tales of heavy bleeding lasting 6 weeks or light bleeding for one week

if you do not mind me asking how long did you bleed for afterwards and was it heavy or light?.I've bought some of those door stopper sized pads but my sister said id need a hell of a lot more she went though them swiftly :shock:

Also i was wondering how long after was it before you physicaly/ mentally feel up to sex or was there just no time for it with a newborn?

thank you for you imput and advice in advance
sarah :wave:
i was bleeding for 3 months :( i was stocked up on maternity pads and i changed every 60/90 minutes or so. just stopped now.
it was really heavy for 6 weeks but then slowed down to 1-2 pad changes a day.

i couldnt imagine having sex now lol, id be scared it would tear me open :rotfl:
My bleeding was never hugely heavy but this was because I had the placenta removed manually under general anaesthetic and I think they had a good clear out while they were in there (TMI, sorry, :lol: ). Almost 5 weeks later it almsot has gone and having started again slightly and then gone and then a little more etc. I'm positive it's not a period yet.

I actually found the Boots slim maternity pads the best as I had a huge selection of different kinds though I used the hospital's ones when I was in. They were less bulky so made me feel a more human a bit quicker as I've never liked the thick ones or pads in general.

TBH I'm still a bit apprehensive until I get my stitches checked at my 6 weeks check (though they feel fine) but we have found the time for other, erm, things, that don't involve stretching my stitches yet IYKWIM. :oops:

Not long now hun! :hug:
I think i bled for around four weeks. Heavy to start with but as time went on got much lighter.
Defo buy plenty of the thick maternity pads, i went through a pack of ten with just my waters breaking. Mum went out and bought me another four packs. I then went to using normal sanitary pads as the bleeding slowed down.

Still havent done the deed yet :( Havent found the time or energy yet :wink: Plus i dont get my implant put in till next thurs so he will have to wait a little longer :lol:
Maybe it's because I get crazy periods but I never found the flow to be as heavy as I expected - it was lighter than a period. I did use lots of maternity pads as I put on a clean one every time I went to the loo to help keep my stitches clean. Once the flow was low enough I started using reusable wipes (little flannels, basically) as pads and now, less than 2 weeks later, I'm just wearing black pants and putting on around 4 clean pairs a day.

In total I got through 3 or 4 packs of maternity pads. I got through a whole pack in the first day and a half so I would advise you to take at least one pack, preferably 2 to hospital (if you are going to hospital).

Make sure you have either dark or old towels to dry yourself with. I pee in the shower (gross but much less painful) so every time I pee I need to use a towel. With all the baby and nappy washing we're doing, I'm glad we have lots of purple towels!

Edited to add - there's no way I'm ready for sex yet. Peeing is still a bit of a worry!
Mine wasn't particularly heavy - I used maternity pads for the first 2 or 3 days and then I was onto normal sanitary pads and the bleeding had totally stopped after a week and a half (with the last half a week being very on/off and light).

I haven't had sex again yet, but that's nothing to do with my body or because I haven't got time -we just don't particularly have a very sexual relationship and I'm happier without it!
Well for me those pads were useless. Not because of heavy bleeding but because I pretty much lost all bladder control. But yes, 3 packs minimum I'd say.

My MW told me if I delivered the placenta naturally (instead of having the jab) it would initially be a bit more bleeding in the first couple of days then be a lot less for the remainder. This proved to be the case for me. I had heavyish bleeding for 2 days then its more or less stopped and has only been very light ever since. Apparently having the jab can cause more prolonged bleeding over time but stops it more in the first couple of days. Also I am BF'ing and this stimulates the uterus to clamp down and stop bleeding also.

As for sex, it'll be a fair while before I'll want to do anything in that department, a) because I have internal and external tearing, plus swelling and also piles from pushing baby out. O and throw in the incontinence thing also and b) just do not have energy for anything like that.

Plus the BF'ing takes its toll on you mentally and physically and I found at least the first 3-4 days I could not do much at all due to soreness and stitches.

Sex will be at least a month away for me simply because I'd want to wait to make sure everything is healed down there and I am ready mentally and emotionally.
I bled for two weeks and went through 2 packs of maternity pads and a couple of packs of normal pads.
i bled for 3 weeks and went through 2 packs of maternity pads - i doubled up on them at first but only for a couple of days.

OH and i have had sex 3 times since DS was born - the first time was after about a month. i had a 2nd degree tear, part of which is right by my bum and still won't heal :( but my bits feel tighter than ever and sex is actually a bit painful now - not the wizards sleeve i was expecting :wink: :wink: we haven't been doing it much cos connor's been in bed with us...
I'm still slightly bleeding it was heavy for the first two weeks then has stopped and started over the last two weeks just as i think it is stopping it is back again :x

I went through about 3 packs of Maternity pads and since then I have just been using normal pads but as it is slowing down I only go through one a day.

As for sex it was just over two weeks when we first did it :oops: but I had no tearing or stitches in labour the first time was a bit strange but alls good now 8)
Hi sarah

\i am bleeding only a bit now, im wearing a pantyliner, i had no stitches and my sis had stitches and she said she bled for about 4 weeks - it really does vary from [person to person. I am still sore though. Which is stopping me from wanting to have sex.

There was a post the other day asking the same question and that was in the ask a mum section also.

I bled for about 2 weeks fairly heavy then on and off for another 3-4 weeks where i just needed a pad and towards the end was barely anything.

As far as sex goes we still havent really found much time as when ellie goes to bed we're both too tired to even think about sex :lol: it was about 8 weeks after I had her that we had sex first time. I still find it pretty painful but hoping that will ease as time goes on :pray:
good question gordielass as this was something ive been thinking about too :D
I've pretty much stopped bleeding now- it was heavy for the first week then tailed off. Passed a couple of quite big clots which is gross ( :puke: :rotfl: )

I had a small labia tear and it made weeing a bit painful the first week and I was scared of going for a poo (the last time I'd needed a poo a baby came out! :lol: :rotfl: ) so I didn't go for 4 days which was more painful than childbirth I think! When I did finally go (I sat on the loo and talked myself into t for about 20 minutes! :oops: ) it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be! My stitiches have now healed completely.

SEX.... :think: The first week all I wanted to do was sleep TBH but the second week I started to want it bit more! I think it's the sexiest thing in the world watching your OH play Daddy... we managed it at 11 days with KY Jelly :lol: Didn't hurt but felt a bit weird. Done it a couple of times since and although my OH thinks it feels the same as before I'm not as sure... feels 'achier' to me! :shhh:

The weirdest thing about your body after the baby is when your milk comes in... your boobs will get HOOOOGE! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I bled for about 5 weeks and it was pretty heavy for the first 2 or 3 weeks. I went through loads of the maternity pads then moved onto normal night time pads as it got a bit lighter.

Mentally I was ready for sex after a couple of weeks but I wasn't physically ready until about 6 weeks. I actually found I was tighter 'down below' after giving birth and it was pretty painful to begin with. We just used a lot of lube & it got easier after a couple of weeks. Even before we actually managed full sex we still had fun :wink: (although as he was in the room with us it did seem a bit dodgy the first few times - we got used to it though! :wink: )
I bled heavily for a few days then it tailed off and I more or less needed maternity pads for urine leaks. I had a terrible cough and just couldn't control it. It was quite horrible!

The bleeding stopped entirely after about 4ish weeks I think but I've had a couple of days here and there (including 2 days this week) since where I have had small amounts of bleeding. I have no idea why! It's not been periods - it's odd! LOL
I bled for 2 weeks and went through 2x 48 maternity pads and a couple of the 10 packs, so well over 100 pads!
Don't think I bled for very long, can't really remember really. Think it was only a week or two. But I did lose LOADS of blood after giving birth due to my uterus not clamping down, so maybe that's why.

Had an episiotomy and stitches got infected so my scar gaped. I still have a gap in my labia on one side of my vagina. It's healed but will never look normal. Gynaecologist says it's perfecty functional and shouldn't cause me any probs (other than psycological!).

We had sex about 7 weeks after giving birth. Was very painful on penetration. My DH couldn't even 'get in' for what seemed like hours! But once in, it was actually ok.

8 months down the line, still slightly painful on penetration but no prob during. I used to feel like my insides were going to fall out afterwards, but that's also getting better.

Def agree with the sex feeling more 'achy' comment. So true!

My main 'body' issue is that my abs are quite slack! Can't wait to get my washboard tummy back.

I bled for about 5 weeks but it was very on/off towards the end, i used loads of maternity pads, was doubling up for the first couple of days, and then i just prefered the thickness as it was so sore down there after forceps delivery. Normally i cant stand pads but i felt differently when everything feels so swollen and weird! Also nice for weak bladder incidents which i was horrified to find happened a few times after about 3 weeks, I think once the swelling had gone a bit :oops:

As for sex we still havent but I have been thinking about it for the last few weeks :wink: we just havent made the time as LO still isnt sleeping through yet and all we want to do in bed is sleep while we can! I did have a smear at 6 weeks though and the nurse said it was still a bit red and swollen in there and it did hurt even though she was very gentle. :(

Also you might find you ache LOADS everywhere for a week or so after especially if you are pushing for a long time, i felt like i had been hit by a truck for about a week after, every muscle hurt, so you need to get your OH doing as much as poss for you, passing you LO in the night etc so you dont have to get up! good excuse i reckon :lol:

good luck!
i bled heavy for one week with a few clots :puke: bled on and off the secong week. more pink and watery :puke:

i just about feel normal now apart from a jelly belly and being 3 heavier! I was a couple stone overweight to start with so got 5 stone to lose. will join weight watchers once im finished with breastfeeding (another incentive to keep at it, to delay the diet! :lol: )

i havent tried having penetrative sex yet but have wanted to since about 2 weeks after. I had a small tear but no stitches :cheer: :cheer:
OH wont go there though until contraception is sorted, he refuses to wear condoms :roll:

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