AF pains?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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I have twinges mostly but I sometimes get AF pains/ cramps. It's happened 2-3 times in the course of a week. I got it in the middle of the night and it scared me. It never lasts very long, like 5-10 minutes. It's mild-average pain, I can only describe it as the pain you get when you get AF which later escalates to painful cramps that require painkillers. It never got to that of course.

I know all i can do is hope for the best, I was just wondering if anybody else has experienced that

i'm also experiences exactly the same pains..
sorry i cant explain why..
aparently (correct me if wrong) its jus our lil Bean's implanting them selves, making them selves comphy and fully attached hehe.. x
It's totally normal to experience lots of cramps and pains as your uterus stretches, especially if it's your first baby. You'll get these on and off over the next few weeks.

I had much more pains and cramps first time around than this time.
I've been getting them too.... like AF pains but a lot milder.

I've got a friend who's just had a little girl and she told me that for the first 12 weeks she was convinced her AF was coming because she kept getting AF pains on and off for ages.

Even though she's told me that I have still been worried every time I've had it but not as worried as I would have been if she hadn't told me.

Her midwife told her it was probably just the muscles and ligaments stretching and moving around and it's nothing to worry about
My doctor asked me specifically if I had them, in other words, they are a common symptom of pregnancy. I think someone said before that it is our womb stretching to accommodate the embryo. Amazing...
I had the same! Every time I had one I thought :shock: oh no! Am I miscarrying?!

Most of the time it is stretching but wanted you to know (from someone who has escaped the doom of worries in 1st tri) not to worry. It says in books etc that unless you have bad cramping and bleeding accompanying it, you shouldn't worry :hug:

i've been gettin this all day today, and a popping feeling to?
Feels like sometimes i got trapped wind, but its not..
? heard its all totally normal tho, but were bound to worry at every lil twitch etc..
we'll all be fine :) xx
charlotteheys85 said:
i've been gettin this all day today, and a popping feeling to?
Feels like sometimes i got trapped wind, but its not..
? heard its all totally normal tho, but were bound to worry at every lil twitch etc..
we'll all be fine :) xx

Yup! No reason why you shouldn't! And anyway, there are about 7 empty seats over in 2nd tri ready to be filled...

...Speaking of which... Where is Neev?! I've been waiting for her arrival! xx
This is so reassuring, thank you all so much!

I've been getting them every day, lasts only for a while and then it's fine again

I'm still not experiencing any symptoms like fatigue or sickess so I worried more. If it hadn't been for the tests I wouldn't believe I'm pregnant! It's only my boobs that are sore on and off

Good to see more people are experiencing the same thing :)

I'm exactly the same as you chick, slightly sore boobs, and AF pains, nothing else.. its mad to think our lil Bean's are attaching themselves...
Hope we both have a H&H 9months...
I didn't get tired until about 6/7 weeks and it wasn't too bad even then... I never had any sickness at all. I didn't even feel sick. So let's just hope you're both one of the lucky ones who don't get it!

Hoping this doesn't cause any worry... My MW and all my books have always said that unless you have bad cramps AND bleeding that lasts more than 3 days, you shouldn't worry...

If you do worry, get yourself to your MW because they can offer a scan before your 12w one to put your mind at rest.

Hope that helps!! xx
dannii87 said:
I didn't get tired until about 6/7 weeks and it wasn't too bad even then... I never had any sickness at all. I didn't even feel sick. So let's just hope you're both one of the lucky ones who don't get it!

Hoping this doesn't cause any worry... My MW and all my books have always said that unless you have bad cramps AND bleeding that lasts more than 3 days, you shouldn't worry...

If you do worry, get yourself to your MW because they can offer a scan before your 12w one to put your mind at rest.

Hope that helps!! xx

thanks for your post chick..
I dont know if i'm imagining it or its real.. i'm only just over 4weeks, but i def feel alot more tierd.. went to bed at 9.30pn twice in a row now, and still nearly fallin asleep at my desk..
Went to docs today as a lil scared i had water infection, but all seems ok, shes booked me in with midwife on 12th March, i thought that was abit early?? But its just to fill out forms apparently? how early was your midwife App?? xx

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