Think i need my mind put at rest

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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On christmas eve and chrstmas day i had some stabbing pains in my right side and i keep thinking its an ectopic pregnancy....

If it was ectopic i'm sure the pain would get worse everyday and not stop? and i wouldnt just get a couple of pains it would carry on?

Also if it was ectopic i would not get the other pregnancy signs i'm getting like AF cramps and frequent peeing would i?

I need my mind put at rest because the above is just going over and over and over
I don't know hun is my honest answer - but didn't want to read and run.

If you are worried, perhaps go and get checked over :hug:
hun if it was etopic it would be extreemly painfull all the time beleve me you'd know (or so i have been told) hope your ok hugs :hug:
I worried the same way as you did and was told that I would know if it was ectopic cause of the pain! I had stabbing pains and it was just my body changing!!

I had this big time, i posted about it last week. I didnt remember having it with my son. It was really strong, then i had a really bad upset tummy (sorry tmi) and i think i was constipated and that might have been it. Anyway it has gone now, i too was convinced it was ectopic as it was really painfull

Im sure its just a normal pregnancy symptom hun :hug: If it continues pop in and see your doc for reassurance
I know how you feel hun cos I have the same.

I have some pains that feel like little AF pains, told my doctor and i think now she has gone over the top and booked me an internal scan thing for Monday. I am not worried though as i have so many other signs of pregnancy and also i am not in huge pain at all.
So don't worry i am sure it's just your body changing. :hug:
Im gate crashing :D
can i just say iv had an ectopic i had NO pain what so ever how ever i did have really BAD heavy bleeding thats how i knew something wasnt right with the pregnancy ..........but from what i read with ectopic pain would know about it another words it would be really really painfull its properley just a bad case of wind which does hurt as well but if ur worried i would get it checked hun :hug:
I hope you're feeling a bit better today jo.
If you're still worried I'd speak to your doctor xx
thanks for your replies

I feel abit better now. Ill see how it goes, if it gets worse or carries on ill go to docs and see what they say :hug:

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