AF or Implantation??


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Just been to the loo and was tinged brown CM when I wiped? Plus a few spots of bright red blood.No flow of blood but could this be implantion? I am due AF anytime between now and thursday so I am really confused?! Don't have any AF cramps as I usually have quite heavy periods and bad cramps at least a day before I am due..but nothing except some really quick crampy pains that make me jump a bit like being pinched in the stomach..I just have a horrible feeling AF is round the corner :confused:
A lady in work has just announced she is 3 months and came round showing everyone her scan picture, and one of the guys just announced his wife is pregnant!! Why can everyone have babies except me :cry:
I feel like such a bitch because instead of being happy for them I am just secretly gutted its not me! I know this post has nothing to do with the title of my thread :offtopic:but I just feel really down :cry:
:hug: I know exactly how u feel how is the spotting? Could be implantion! :dust:
Thank you Mrs Mc I just felt awful because I have worked with these people for over 4 years and they are my friends as well as my work collegues but I just went into the loos and cryed when I found silly is that! Its just alot of CM but not see through like normal its a browny colour. And the blood is just when I wipe, none on my underwear or anything. xx
Implantation normally occurs in the week before AF, or so I've read anyway.

If it is IB, HCG won't show up til approx 4-7 days afterwards apparently. Keep an eye on it and if there's nothing in a few days, try a test. :)

:hug: hun, everyone has those days, try and keep positive. x x
Thanks Miss July, glad I'm not alone in feeling this way! I am going to wait until the weekend and then test if no wicked :witch:arrives xx
That is what I was like yester! Fx for us! I am the same when my friend had her baby everyone was running around screaming and I locked myself in the loo and cried my heart out! But I was pleased for her just sad for myself it is such a horrible feeling x
:hugs:Thats the same as how I feel, happy for them but sad at the same time. It is so comforting to know that I am not alone xx
Oooh really? You have given me some hope! Lets hope we both get our christmas :bfp: xx
Oooh I saw a card in clintons today whilst I was looking for mum and dad christmas cards "to daddy merry christmas love the bump" aaah I would love to be able to give one of them to the OH xx
You're so not alone - I'm pleased so pleased for my friends but also when I see facebook posts about it all I think yeah yeah and make that noise Jay from inbetweeners did when other one went on about his gf lol - beepbeepbeep.

And errr sounding blummin good re the CM! :dust:
Lol Sylvie girl that made me laugh..beepbeepbeepbeep :rotfl::rotfl:
No sign of AF still and now brown spotting without cramps. I am so confused as this has never happened before, I usually just wake up and AF is there in full whack! I have started a new thread about it lol hope to see you there x x x x
Sophiestars I'm sooo glad someone else knew what I was on about lol!! X
Lol me and my sister do that to my neice, she is 14 and has her first boyf and is always going on about him! we say beepbeepbeepbeepbeep jamie update coming through LMAO xxx

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