Really sorry for jumping in on this thread, but I'm new and I'm pretty sure I'm going to go insane if I don't get some opinions on what's been going on with my body.
I'm not really sure what to make of this.
Me and my partner are trying for a baby for well over a year now, we got pregnant in february and found out in the May we had a molar pregnancy, since June we've been trying for a baby.
My period's are pretty regular..bleeding usually lasts 5 days, heavy with clots, severe cramping (to the point where I feel sick, can barely stand and just want to sleep)and every month I think that I experience pregnancy symptoms (Tender & swollen breasts, dizziness, feeling sick and bad spots on face) and then I get the period.
Well I had my usual period in November but noticed that the spots I usually experience didn't go away.
At the beginning and middle of last month my nipples were so sore, I couldn't bare to lie on my front or have them touched & my spots continued. My period started a day or two earlier than it usually would and wasn't anything like it usually would be...I had 2 days of light bleeding (changed the tampon once a day) and then 2 days of dark brown mucus/discharge, had no warning that it was coming as I didn't have any cramping until after the "period" happened, no sore breasts or anything and I've not had anything since. I went to the Drs who suggested I take a pregnancy test (this was 4 days after "period" had finished, took one and it was negative). Since this, my breasts seem to be much bigger than they usually are and I have extreme thirst all the time.
My question is do you have any explanation as to what could have happened or what is happening?
Sorry for the long post.
Really hope someone can give me something on this?
Thank you