af late !!


Active Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Hi everyone, not posted on here in a while, hope you are all doing ok.

So heres the deal.... my af is 4 days late, I have tested twice in the last few days but they were all BFN :(

what is going on? My bbs have been so sore the past couple of days, and have been feeling sick too. My period have NEVER been late before, so i cant halp but get my hopes up.

Is it too early to test do you think? I dont feel any signs of coming on, usually I can feel it for a couple of days before.
Hey, kayleigh :wave: Try testing again in a few days. If you still get a BFN and no AF, go to your GP to get blood tested. Perhaps the HCG isn't high enough to give you a BFP. Good luck!
i was late on my last cycle, and also had a bfn, few days later my af came with avenagence, i was had 25 day cycles, that one was an unexpected 30 day cycle. but saying that when i fell pregnant with jess i had bfns and no av, only found out cozz i blacked out in a supermarket and the doc did some tests just to rule things out and to find out why i blacked out. turns out i would have been pg when i got the bfn when i had the dating scan so u never know hun.
just read it back , meant, was pregnant not would have been, soz :oops:
I was due either Saturday or Sunday (i have 28/29 day cycles) and there is no sign of AF yet. I have tested with ebay cheapies and its BFN. I always have a strong period pain normally a few hours before I come on but so far I have not had this either. I don't think im pregnant but it would be a nice surprise. My OH goes away on a business trip for a week tonight and i would be sad if he wasnt there for any "good news" we might have but hey I would be elated even if I had to tell him by phone!!! :pray:

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