AF after miscarriage...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Hello ladies,

Not posted in a while, since i miscarried in November. I'm finally feeling better about life now, and thinking about trying to conceive again.
I have a question - before i got pregnant, my cycle was all over the place, anything from 30 - 48 days (so i was really suprised when i got pregnant,,i never knew when i was ovulating!)

BUT since my miscarriage, my cycle seems to have changed, and comes exactly 27 days on the dot. Has this happened to anyone else? Thinking it might be the one positive thing to have come out of it all... I know people say it happens sometimes after you;ve given birth, but i miscarried early (7 weeks) so suprised it may have made a difference, though my miscarriage was physically very difficult and like contractions. Anyone had a similar experience?
Kate, I like you MC in November and before hand my Periods where all over the place, heavey and painful, since my MC my Periods have become more regualr and lighter and much less painful, i MC at 8 weeks and it was a very bad painful MC which took alot out of me.....

Know my post isnt much help to you but atm im just letting fate decied when i hopefully fall pregant again....
interesting post. as i have not had a solid confirmation of my m/c, even tho my hgc levels have dropped and i kno in myself that it is. before i got preg my cycles ranged from 35-60 days, and suffering from pcos i was quite suprised i caught. its interesting to kno that you girls cycles have gone regular, maybe its a way of our bodies correcting itself.
Hi kate. Don't have an answer but just wanted to say how lovely it was to see your name and that you are feeling a bit better about things. We'll get there in the end!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
iv only had 2 afs since my miscarriage and they have both been at 36 days.

prior to this i was 32-45 days, so im not as lucky in that they havent got closer!!

i miscarried at around 12weeks from my last af so i guess i was a little later on. i too had very irregular afs and didnt expect to get my bfp so soon (hence trying to get pregnant 4 months before my wedding), unfortunately i presumed i would get my bfp straight away second time around and i have not been so lucky and have been finding it a bit frustarting

good luck to u xx

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