Advise please.

2-3 weeks is a great sign. Not long now till you get to see your little beanie xx
It's been a very long day. I'm really nervous about tomorrow but what will be will be I guess xx
Fingers crossed for you hun, hope all goes well tomorrow. What was your bleed like if you don't mind me asking? Was it exactly like your normal period? Xx
Good luck tomorrow hunni. Will be thinking of you. Really hope all is well xxx
My bleed was just the same as a period. Just a day less but due to me having the ruptured ectopic in April I thought maybe my cycles were changing. Just back from my scan there is no ectopic and have detected something in my uterus but couldn't see much so I have to go bk again next wed for another scan xx
How'd you feel after your scan lovely? x
I'm abit emotional actually I'm getting strong positives and a 2-3 on a clear blue digi but they couldn't tell me they could see a sac etc they said they have detected something but won't know anymore til I go bk wed next week I just want to know one way or the other. Do you know how many weeks a gestational sac can be seen on a transvaginal scan xxx
Thankyou I just can't get my head around it my tests are so strong I got a pregnant 2-3 yesterday on digi but yet they saw a little of something on the scan how is this right. They said there is nothing anywhere else due to my ectopic in April they did a thorough check xx
Even at 6 weeks a baby is the size of a grain of rice so don't worry hun, if your only 5 weeks it might just be things are too too small to see rigt now. Things change quickly in a week at this stage xx
On the one hand it's great news that they've been able to rule out another ectopic. Sounds like it's just too early for them to know more what with baby being sooooo teeny-tiny. It really is TINY at this stage, so not uncommon for them to see very little. If you're testing positive I think that has to be a good sign. Hopefully they'll be able to see more next week xxx
I have no idea on my weeks at all so they don't really have much to go off. Iv just done another test and the teo lines are as dark as each other so that's good xx
I agree with the girls, SO much can happen in a whole week. Next Wednesday will put your mind at rest, even though it is forever away. Have you got something to look forward to this weekend to keep your mind distracted? xx
It will soon be here I'm so busy with work. I also have three boys to keep me busy so I'm sure it will be here it's only 7 sleeps away ;) xx
Seven sleeps and I don't tend to count the weekends as they go so fast - so not including Fri/Sat/Sun it's actually only 4 sleeps ;) xx
That's a really good way of looking at it lol :) thankyou for your support xx

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