Advise please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hi ladies so I'm totally confused I am currently on cd9 and had numerous positive pregnancy tests? It started all because I received a new batch of tests and because Iv never used them before I wanted to try them out not expecting anything however I got a faint positive. I took another because I couldn't believe what I was seeing and again BFP so went bought FRER again positive within a minute that was yesterday took another today and same so thought sod it I did a clear blue digi and got preg 1-2. I only have my period last week how can this be possible? Xxx
Sounds like it was breakthrough bleeding and not an actual period. If you're testing positive (esp on a digi) that's the only explanation I can think of. Congratulations!!! xx
Thankyou I really hope so I had a ruptured ectopic in April resulting in losing my baby and right tube so I really hope this is all good xx
I would imagine you'll get an early scan to check everything's in the right place this time honey. I know that won't stop you worrying in the meantime, but hopefully it'll help you to relax a bit once they've confirmed that beanie is in the right place. A friend of mine had the same thing and went on to have 2 healthy boys and no more ectopics xx
Ye they told me I'd have a scan at 5-6 weeks wen I had the operation to remove my tube and baby but I can't help but think this isn't going to end well with the bleed last week that I thought was my period :/ xxx
Must be so hard for you worrying about what might be (I know I worried even without going through something like that). Can you call epu and explain your concerns about the bleeding? Sorry I can't be more help :hug:
Thankyou for actually getting back to me it's very kind of you :) Iv not bled since last wed wen I actually thought it was my period I think il give them a call and just ask their advise :) thankyou again xx
No problem hunni. It's probably nothing to worry about - and plenty of people have bleeds and then go on to have healthy babies, but perhaps just for peace of mind that you've done all you can you should give them a call and just talk about why you're worried. Might not be anything much they can do, but worth a try at least? Best of luck with your pregnancy. Hope this is your sticky bean xxx
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Ye most definitely worth a try I'm hoping this is it for me this time I will be totally over the moon and won't complain once lol xxx
Been to the doctors this morning and Iv to wait til next week for a scan xx
So assuming the bleed was a bit of breakthrough bleeding and NOT af, how far along will you be by the time you have the scan? Hopefully by then they'll be able to not only confirm that it's in the right place, but also see a teeny-tiny little heartbeat? Assuming it's not too early for that?! xxx
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Well she said to date back from the period before so I'd be 7 weeks wen I go for the scan so will see a heartbeat if it's in the right place and if it's ok. I'm still testing like a looney and today's is the darkest test Iv had so that's a positive with third wee of the day too please keep everything crossed for me xx
It's certainly looking very promising if you're getting strong lines and no pain or anymore bleeding. I really think this is it for you hunni. It will feel like forever waiting for that scan, but it'll be well worth it if you get to see your little beanie. Will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
Just had a call from the doctor Iv to go to the EPU on wed morning now instead I'm totally crapping my pants now but at least Iv only got a couple of days to wait rather than a week I'm so scared it's unreal xx
Brilliant news! It's completely understandable that you're scared lovely - it's scary having a scan even when you haven't had any losses, so god knows what it must be like when you have. At least you don't have to wait long now for that much-needed reassurance. Hope it's good news on Wednesday xxx
Thankyou. I think the worst thing is the not knowing. I really do hope this is it for us this time my lines are a lot darker now so that's got to be a good sign I can't post a pic on here for some reason tho xx
I always struggle to post photos too. As long as you can see it's getting darker that's the main thing!! X
Yep most defo do. I'm dying to do another digi to see if it comes up with 2-3 yet but afraid to. I have today got a feeling slightly of sicky so hoping that's todo with pregnancy and it's a good thing :) xx
When did you get 1-2 weeks? I was so scared of testing to get my 3+ weeks on a digi that I didn't ever get round to it. The 12-week scan was confirmation that I was 3+ haha! It's such a bloody terrifying time. Does your OH know how you're feeling? Is he being supportive? That can be a huge help xxx
I got my 1-2 on Thursday I caved in n just done another and got the 2-3 il find out tomorrow if all is good or not so I'm hoping with getting 2-3 today that's a good sign. Ye he's amazing bless him he's more worried about me and my worrying lol xxx

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