Advice re breast feeding pumps


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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I wonder if anyone can give me advice?

I'm only 16 weeks but trying to get ahead.

Basically I can only use 1 hand (slightly paralysed down the right side) and may have difficulty breast feeding. So I think it would be best to express for a few weeks and then introduce bottle feed. My midwife suggested a double breast electric feeding pump costing £80, which is a lot of money for a few weeks? Does anyone know where I can hire one from?

My MW didn't even want to discuss formula bottle feeding and I feel really pressured into breast/feeding and expressing (which I am willing to try)

I ended up crying all last night and still feel really down. DH said he would help me with the pump.

Any advice would be great.


Hi hunny, I had an Avent Isis manual pump - I understand your disability might make it a bit difficult for you, but there are certainly battery powered pumps out there for less money. I advise you shop around. From what you say the pump recommended by HV is the Medela - very good but expensive! In Spain we have a brand called NUk - german which has a reasonably priced electric pump - bout 30 pounds, I think. Dont know if you can get that brand, tho in the UK.

Dont know if that will help you, hope so

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I have the medela swing electric breastfeeding pump and it's really good, I can highly recommend it.

Also you don't have to hold bub when you're breastfeeding, you could try propping them up with pillows and breastfeeding cushions and also lying down. Obviously this isn't going to work when out and about, but if you did those feeds at home and used the other boob for when you were out that could be a way round having to express all the time?

Good luck, and try not to get too caught up in feeling pressurised. It's your decision ultimately :hug:
Your MW is out of order, she's supposed to support you not tell you what to do :hug: :hug: :hug: Never mind her too much, you won't see her after LO arrives :) :hug: You can feed your baby however you choose :hug: I only used a breastpump a few times so cannot comment on which are best, don't Surestart or something like that hire them out? I'm sure somewhere does, have a good look round Google :D

I do know expressing early can result in very little, the pump is not as effecient as LO in the early days, and you milk doesn't come in straight away, so I wouldn't think too much about expressing until you've found a nice routine, and so, supply :hug:

Breastfeeding can be really relaxing if done whilst laying down, there's no need for any holding then, plenty of room and you can stroke and chat away to your LO, its beautiful, you will find many ways that work for you, don't worry, and DH is there supporting you already, you'll be just fine :) :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks for your advice and support. Had another chat with DH last night and we agreed that he would help me with attaching LO on the 2 week paternity leave (may be a 3rd week if he takes holiday) and if it isn't working out we will go onto bottle feeding (Introducing some bottle feeds whilst trying to breast feed).

I really appreciate your advice. I can't change my MW (think she is the only one in the practice) but may speak to my Dr. I feel she is not open to alternatives, she runs breast feeding classes at £10 a session!

Redshoes I'll look in to Surestart, thanks for the advice.

You can get free breastfeeding advice from breastfeeding counsellors, there are the La Leche League to name but a few. They are all trained mums who have breastfed in the past, so a lot more sympathetic than a MW!!

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and don't let it get you down :)

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